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Hot— I feel very hot. Ally's body is pressed tightly up against mine. Her arm is wrapped around my torso— locking me in a death grip from hell and her leg is draped over mine, making it damn near impossible for me to escape.

Ally isn't the best bedmate. She either steals all the covers. Pushes you off the bed this particular case, invades your personal space. I try to pry her arm from my body, but she tightens her grip and snuggles closer, placing her head in the crook of my neck. Great.

Her hot breath fans my neck, making me even hotter than I was before. I place my palm on her forehead and push her head back. She stirs, making me think she is going to release me...but I was wrong. Instead, she just groaned and placed her head back in the crook of my neck.

I sigh and reach for my phone on my nightstand. My fingertips just graze the edge of the table. The ability to stretch my limbs would be really helpful right about now. After a moment of struggling, I give up and settle for staring at the ceiling.

It's just as plain as my life. It's white and has no designs. The only thing keeping it remotely interesting is the cute ceiling fan with five lights on it. The glass surrounding the lights has a design that slightly resembles an abstract drawing; which I have a deep interest in.

When I have time, I draw. Drawing has always been my go-to thing for ultimate stress relief. There is just something about drawing that sucks me in. It's like the words around me disappear, leaving just me, my Sharpie, and the paper.

I have tried to draw other things such as people, animals, and other objects. But can't quite get a grasp on it. By the time I'm done, they either look like an alien or an object that belongs out of this world. So I just stick with what I know and like.

Ally shifts her body and releases me from her grasp. I take this opportunity to escape and climb out of bed. My shirt is soaked with sweat and drool; which isn't mine. I quickly strip out of my clothes and slip into a clean shirt and shorts. I grab my phone and head downstairs.

When I reach the kitchen, I turn on the coffee pot and wait for my coffee to brew. When it was finished, I walked to the couch and plopped myself down, but not before grabbing my drawing pad and markers out from under the couch. That's where I like to store all my art stuff.

I open my pad and sift through the already-used pages until I find a blank one. I then chose a black point Sharpie and put it on the paper. When I draw, I have no plan whatsoever. I don't's hard to explain. I guess you could say, I just go with the flow.

A few hours had passed by when I sat my marker down. I held the drawing in front of me, checking to see if there was anything else I could add to it, and quickly decided against it. In my opinion, it's sometimes best to not overthink your creations and leave them be. If you do, you risk destroying what took you hours to complete. I don't know how many drawings I have thrown away because I let my mind get the best of me.

"A little dark don't you think?" I jump at the sound of Ally's voice. I didn't even hear her get up. She grabs my pad from my hands takes a seat next to me and examines my work.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way," she draws. "You have a gift, Fallon. I just meant it could use a little color."

She knows I don't like to add color to my drawings. It's not that I don't like color, I do. It's just me and color don't really get along. I work better with black and white.

"Have you ever tried using color? Like really tried?" She asks handing me back my pad.

"I have," I inform her, taking the pad from her hands, closing it, and sliding it, along with my markers back under the couch. "It's just not for me."

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