Chapter 10

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History was the last class of the day, after which I was going to head to Anahata.

I slid down in my seat, removing my ear pods readying myself for a discourse on the tactics of divide and rule when the leg of my chair was kicked. I looked up and saw Raë walking by, poker faced, without a glance in my direction. It was a firm kick, enough to push my seat back a couple of inches.

Was it deliberate or accidental? I can never tell with Raë. Sometimes I catch her looking at me, sometimes she acts like I don't exist.

But there's no denying her. She comes at you like an exclamation. Her presence is formidable, her energy smacks you in the face. At the centre, she darkens her cubicle on a frequent basis. She must have found a way to lower her brain waves, she must have found the narrow window of the theta state. I can bet, she'll be the first amongst us to kindle the supra within her. She's unwavering and single-minded. Also, agile ... dexterous to the point of artful. Clumsy least of all.

She must have kicked my chair on purpose.  

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