19. A Twisted Reunion

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Once the Black Knight wraith had killed two Camelot knights, Arthur picked up the gauntlet himself, ensuring that he was the next victim.
This was when Nimueh decided to visit Uther for the first time in 20 years, since he was completely at her mercy, and feeling the lowest that he had in years.
She used magic to easily sneak into the castle, and she found Uther pacing the great hall by himself.
As she entered the room she caused the candles on the candleabra to flicker, making Uther spin around to face her.
He appeared to have aged much more in 20 years than Nimueh thought possible. She herself hadn't aged at all since their last meeting, thanks to the magic that made her a high priestess.

"I should have known" mumbled Uther, as he looked away from Nimueh, unable to meet her eyes.
"It is more than I could've hoped for Uther. Soon Arthur will be slain and you will have sent him to his death. Afterall, you are the one who killed Tristan all those years ago" smiled Nimueh.
"Haven't you grown tired of revenge?" Sighed Uther.
"Haven't you? You began this war when you threw me from the court and slaughtered all of my kind"
"You brought it in on yourselves, you practiced evil-"
"Magic is not evil, and you used to agree with me on that. I was your friend Uther, you welcomed me here with open arms"
"Yes, but you betrayed that friendship".

"I did as you asked. I used the magic you so despise to give your barren wife the son you craved" reminded Nimueh.
"Don't speak of her in that way. She was my heart, my soul, and you took her from me" replied Uther.
Nimueh's anger softened slightly as she thought of Ygraine's death, and the part she played in it. But all these years later she still she was not going to take all the blame for the queens death, as he was as equally to blame as she was.
"She died giving birth to your son. It was not my choice. That is the law of magic. To create a life, there had to be a death, the balance of the world had to be restored and you knew that" admitted Nimueh.
"Yes, but you knew it would kill her, I did not"
"No, you're wrong. If I had foreseen her death and the terrible retribution you would seek, I never would've granted your wish".

"I wish you hadn't" Uther said quietly.
"You wish you didn't have a son?" Questioned Nimueh, confused by Uther's revelation.
She had always assumed that Uther would have willingly sacrificed Ygraine's life, if it meant that he would have a son. But here he was admitting that he would rather have his wife by his side, than his son.
Uther said nothing and turned away from her, ashamed by his own admittion.
"Well your wish will come true tomorrow" continued Nimueh smuggly.
"No, I will not let you take him from me" shouted Uther as he spun back around to stand face to face with Nimueh.
"I have watched so many people I love, die at your hands, Uther Pendragon. Now it's your turn".

"Please Nimueh. Don't do this. I'll do anything you ask" begged Uther.
"It's too late Uther. 20 years too late. You made me like this when you killed all my kind, making me the last high priestess. I have been alone ever since that day, because of you. I have been forced to watch you put hundreds of innocent people to death. You have so much blood on your hands. Arthur's death will not make up for their deaths, but it's a start" replied Nimueh.
"What I did is not Arthur's fault. He did kill your people. Take me instead"
"Oh I plan to have the wraith kill you and your son. Arthur isn't as innocent as you think. Besides, you showed me that you're not above killing the innocent, when you ordered the deaths of dozens of young children".

"You're not exactly blameless in this situation. You have caused the innocent people in Camelot a lot of suffering this passed year" reminded Uther.
"Their suffering is on you. You made me this monster when you started this war. You threw the first punch, so to speak. I am only getting even. It's hard to make a heartless villian like you feel pain, so I have to hit you where it hurts, which is why I am taking your son" replied Nimueh.
"You can't. I won't let you kill him"
"I can do whatever I like, didn't you say that to me once? Now I'm throwing those words right back at you... Well, good night Uther. Sleep well".

To Nimueh's annoyance, Merlin interfered once more, using a sword forged in a dragons breath to defeat the wraith.
Instead of retaliating, Nimueh chose not to attack Merlin again, as she had learned of his importance since their last meeting.
Some people believed that he would liberate them all, and free magic forever, so she didn't want to kill him before he had a chance to do that.
Nimueh had planned to stay out the way for a while, to allow things in Camelot to settle down before she attacked again.

However, when Arthur was fatally injured by a Questing Beast, Merlin came to the Isle of the Blessed to beg her for his friends life.
Nimueh knew that the Cup of Life was the only thing that could heal Arthur. And although she was hesitant to use it at first, she realised that this was her chance to get back against some of the people who had wronged her.
She was much more in touch with the old religion this time around, and she had the power to decide which life was going to be taken. And she planned to use that to her advantage.

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