8. Desperate Times

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Nimueh managed to steal the Cup of Life very easily, and after sharing a ride on Gaius's horse, the pair of them made it back to Camelot half a day later.
When Nimueh arrived in the kingdom, she felt that things had gotten worse since she was last there.
"Gaius, what happened here?" Nimueh asked Gaius as they began to make there way through the castle.
"Uther isn't himself right now. Ever since you left he's been eratic, and more desperate than ever for an heir. It's like that's all he cares about" revealed Gaius.
"I wish that this didn't matter so much to him"
"Me too, but he's the king. His legacy means everything to him".

Eventually the pair reached the great hall, and after pushing open the large wooden doors, they approached Uther and Ygraine who were sitting in their thrones on the far side of the room.
There were other people in the room, but as soon as Nimueh and Gaius entered, Uther sent everyone else out.
After giving the royals a short bow, Nimueh got closer to Uther.
"I assume that since you're here, you've agreed to help us" said Uther.
"I came here with an idea, but I haven't completely decided on whether or not I want to do it" admitted Nimueh.
"If you have the power to do it, then why wouldn't you?"
"Because the spell is complicated. Magic isn't as straight forward as you think it is".

"Oh don't worry about that, I know that you will be powerful enough to do it, I have faith in you" reassured Uther.
"That's not exactly the problem-" started Nimueh.
"Why don't you go and get ready in our bedroom my love" interupted Uther as he turned to face Ygraine.
"Wait, you want to do this now?" Questioned Nimueh.
"There's no time like the present, we're not exactly getting any younger, are we? Why, is that a problem?"
"Yes, it is. I cannot do it now. I need to prepare, and talk you through the risks-"
"I don't care about the risks, we both want to do it. I know that childbirth can be dangerous, but with you by her side, Ygraine will be fine"
"Even if you don't care about learning the risks, I still can't do it right now. I need to do the spell at midnight".

"Fine. You go and prepare. Gaius will get you anything you need; herbs or other ingredients" said Uther.
"I don't need any of that. I simply need to create a storm tonight and fill the Cup of Life with rain water. If I get the incantation right, and your wife drinks from the cup, then the water should be able to cure her barreness, and give her the child you both so desire" admitted Nimueh.
Ygraine smiled and leapt out of her throne to hug Nimueh.

"Thank you. I know that I would not be able to do this without you, so thank you for everything, especially as I know that you can't have children either" Ygraine said quietly.
"Not all women are capable of having children, and it isn't your fault, so don't feel bad. Personally I don't want children anyway. But you're welcome" replied Nimueh.
"Right. Well, I'm going to prepare myself, even though I know it's not happening until tonight. You three can talk the final parts of the plan while I'm gone" smiled Ygraine as she practically skipped out of the room.

"It should go without saying, but you are to tell no one the truth about how my son came to be" Uther warned.
"I promise. I will take the secret to the grave" swore Gaius.
Uther then turned to Nimueh expectently.
"I won't tell anyone. You have my word" sighed Nimueh.
"Good. Now I'll leave you to prepare the spell" announced Uther as he got up out of his chair.
"Wait, Uther, the spell can be a dangerous one. In order to create a life, a life must be taken, the balance of the world must always be restored. If you do this, someone will die, and I need you to understand that"
"I will do whatever it takes to have a son".
And with that, Uther stormed out of the room.

"He doesn't seem to understand the seriousness of the situation" Nimueh said nervously.
"Once you told him that he would have a child, nothing else mattered to him" replied Gaius.
"Will you talk to him for me? You need to make sure he understands that I have no control over who will die"
"I will do my best, but I don't think Uther will listen to me. He's got his perfect family in his mind now, so I doubt he'll listen to either of us".

"Eugh... I should leave. I should leave right now, take the Cup of Life with me and never return. I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't be messing around with life like this" admitted Nimueh.
"Are you trying to convince me or you, that this is a bad idea?" Questioned Gaius.
"Both of us. I honestly don't think that this will end well, but I also don't think that I have a choice anymore. I promised to give Uther and Ygraine Pendragon a child, so I guess that I'm going to have to do it".

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