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The forest on the border of Camelot, was so peaceful. There was no one around, but one single young female, with long dark brown hair, and a red dress. Kneeling on the ground, beside a field of flowers.
Nimueh felt happy there, in the forest, at one with nature. She was going to miss her walks through those trees, once she became a High Priestess. But being chosen for such a role, was a great honor.
A rabbit suddenly jumped out of the bush behind her, startling her, and warning her that other people were coming. Nimueh heard the sound of horses approaching in front of her, and rose to her feet to meet them.
When the rider of the first horse saw her, he pulled on the reins, causing his horse to stop. He swung his leg over his horse's back, and jumped down, onto the ground.
"You shouldn't be out here alone, my lady. These woods can be dangerous" warned the rider, a boy, not old enough to be a man.
His fellow riders reached him, but did not dismount.

Nimueh bowed her head, and curtsed.
"My prince... I am not afraid of the trees" she told him.
The young prince smiled. "How did you know who I was?".
Nimueh pointed to the guards behind him.
"Ah, fair enough. But you don't need to bother with formalities out here. My name is Uther" he continued.
Nimueh grinned. "My name is Nimueh. It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Uther".
"What are you doing all the way out in these woods? Me and the boys were just on a hunting trip"
"I was just taking a stroll. This will be one of my last chances to walk through these woods"
"Are you going somewhere?".

Nimueh nodded, "Yes, I'm being sent away, at the end of the week".
"Well I'm the prince, and if I want you to stay, then no one can make you leave" said Uther bravely.
Chuckling, Nimueh shook her head.
"It's not that easy Uther. I've been summoned, by some very important people. They are waiting for me" she explained.
"Who is more important than the future king?"
"The High Priestess's of the Religion"
"You're a sorcerer?... That's a shame"
"Yes, I am. But it's an honor to be chosen by them"
"You must be very powerful then".
Nimueh smiled. "I'm not sure. But they must believe I have something special in me, or they wouldn't want me to join them".

Uther looked back to his horse.
"Would you like a ride back to Camelot, my lady?" He offered.
Nimueh thought for a moment, before replying.
"Why not. It's not every day, a prince offers to give you a lift home" she answered.
Uther smiled, and gestured towards his own horse.
Nimueh lifted up the ends of her dress, and began to make her way towards Uther.
He bent down on one knee, placing his hands together, ready to help Nimueh up.
Thankfull for the leg up, Nimueh placed her foot into his hands, allowing him to push her up, onto the horse.
Once she was secure, Uther made his own way up, sitting in front of Nimueh, and taking control of the reins. To stop herself from falling, Nimueh was forced to wrap her arms around Uther's waist.

Uther grinned, but Nimueh just rolled her eyes.
He turned his body around and placed a small pink flower into Nimueh's hair, that he had picked from the ground earlier.
Nimueh smiled, but didn't return the affection he was showing her.
She had no intention of falling for this boy. He was a prince, and would end up marrying some wealthy lady, one day.
And she was about to start the long journey to becomming a High Priestess, a role that forbids marriage, and attachments to men.
At this age, she didn't really know what she was giving up, but she didn't mind. The chance to become a goddess like being, was too good a chance to turn down.

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