10. The Son And Heir

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Nimueh stayed by Ygraine's side for the full 9 months of her pregnancy, helping her every step of the way. And when the queen went into labor she would allow no one but Nimueh and Gaius in the room, refusing to allow the midwifes to attend to her.
"Gaius, I'm really out of my depth here" admitted Nimueh quietly, as the queen paced up and down the room in pain.
"I thought you read a few books on birth and labor" replied Gaius.
"I did. I read every book I could find, but I still don't feel prepared for this, at all"
"Just calm down, you're not helping the situation by being so anxious".

"I'm sorry, it's just... What if something goes wrong? Women die in childbirth. Labor is the same for every woman, regardless of wealth. Just because we have warm blankets and clean water, it doesn't mean that everything is going to go right. Something bad could still happen, and it would be my fault for agreeing to help her get pregnant in the first place" admitted Nimueh.
"It would not be your fault Nimueh. But nothing is going to go wrong, I promise. We have taken every precaution necessary. We have everything we need right here, so stop panicking, you're stressing me out" replied Gaius.
"Sorry. I'm just nervous. I'm not good with pregnancy, or babies for that matter. I know that some high priestess's help women with labor, but I was never one of them, I never got involved in that... I guess since I couldn't have children of my own, I distanced myself from those who were having them. I suppose because I felt jealous of their fertility. But fate has a way of making you face things you hate, which is why I'm here now".

"Are you going to return to the Isle of Blessed once the child is born?" Asked Gaius.
"I don't know. If I'm being honest, I still haven't completely made up my mind. A part of me wants to stay and help watch over the child as it grows. But a part of me wants to distance myself from it, as much as possible. I guess we'll just have to see what happens. For all we know, once the child is here, Uther might decide that he doesn't want me around, since I'm the one who allowed the child to be born in the first place" revealed Nimueh.
"I doubt that will happen. The king relies on you far too much. He would be at a loss without you"
"I guess that's true. But once his child is born, and his family is complete, his attitudes towards me might change".

"I think something's happening" admitted Ygraine.
"O.K then, let's get you back on the bed, while I have a look at you" replied Gaius.
Nimueh helped Ygraine onto the bed, and damped her sweaty brow with a cold wet cloth to cool her down.
"How are we doing Gaius?" Questioned Nimueh.
"I'd say that we're nearly there, because I can see the baby's head" answered Gaius.
Nimueh nodded her head and took hold of one of Ygraine's hands.
"When Gaius tells you to, I want you push harder than you've ever done before" instructed Nimueh.
"O.K. Thank you. And thank you for being here" replied Ygraine.
"Don't speak, you're going to need all your strength to get this baby out".

After several tense minutes, Ygraine pushed for the final time, and Gaius immediately wrapped the baby up in a blanket.
Once the cord had been cut, and the baby dried, Gaius handed the child over to Ygraine.
"You have a son" revealed Gaius, as he stood to his feet, and wiped his bloody hands on a towel.
"You did it" congratulated Nimueh, as she looked down at the child.
The baby appeared to be perfect in every way, complete with soft blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

The door of the royal bedchamber suddenly swung open, and Uther ran inside the room.
"I'm sorry. I heard the baby cry, and I decided that couldn't wait outside any longer" he apologised.
"That's O.K sire. Come in and meet your son" encouraged Gaius, as he waved Uther over.
The king smiled as he approached the bed and kissed his wife's head, before taking his son into his arms.
"He's perfect" muttered Uther.
"So, have you chosen a name for the little prince yet?" Asked Nimueh curiously.
"Yes, I have... And you will all be the first to know, so I want you to meet my son; Prince Arthur Pendragon"
"Well, it's nice to meet you Arthur. Welcome to the world".

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