7. A Big Favour

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At first, Nimueh was happy to be back home amongst her fellow high priestesses, but as the weeks turned into months, she began to miss the home she had made at Camelot.
Although she had friends at the Isle of the Blessed, she still yearned for Gaius and Uther.
She found herself constantly watching Camelot through the magic water in one of the caves on the island, to make sure that everyone was happy and healthy.
However, although she missed her friends, she didn't actually expect to see them in person for quite some time. Which is why she was surprised when Gaius turned up unexpectedly one afternoon, when she was tutoring the trainee high priestess's.

"This sorcerer says that he knows you" announced Reyna, who stood by Gaius's side.
Nimueh nodded, "Yes, this is Gaius, the court physcian at Camelot".
"I see. Well normally we wouldn't let men onto the island, but we'll allow it this time"
"Thank you Reyna".
Reyna escorted the young sorcerer's from the room, and once Nimueh and Gaius were alone they threw themselves into each others arms.
"I've missed you so much" admitted Nimueh.
"And I you, my lady" replied Gaius as the two released each other and stepped apart.

"So what brings you so far from Camelot?" Questioned Nimueh suspiciously.
"I'm here at the king's request" revealed Gaius.
"Is he sick? Does he need healing?" Quizzed Nimueh.
"No, but he requires your help with rather a delicate matter"
"I don't understand"
"Uther still has no heir"
"I am well aware of that. I thought we'd actually come to the decision that Ygraine is barren, she won't ever be able to have children"
"I have told Uther this on numerous occassions, but he refuses to accept the truth. He is desperate for an heir"
"I know all this, but I still don't understand why he sent you here today".

"Uther thinks that you will be able to help" admitted Gaius.
"Me? What do I know about concieving a child, since I can't have any of my own, remember?" Replied Nimueh.
"The king knows that. What he wants- What he hopes, is that you will be able to help him have a child, by using magic" explained Gaius.
Nimueh's jaw dropped in shock, "He what!".
"He seems to think that magic is the answer to all his problems. He believes that there is spell out there that will enable him to have a child with Ygraine"
"He's insane. No magic can bring a new human life into the world, from nothing"
"I was lead to believe that there was one thing, which is being kept here, that could give Uther the son he wants".

"No! Absolutely not. The Cup of Life is off limits. Besides, I'm not even 100% sure if that would work anyway" admitted Nimueh.
"I believe that it could work. But I agree with you that using the cup is probably a bad idea" replied Gaius.
"Then why did you suggest it?"
"Because it is my job to do as my king commands, and help him in anyway I can. I do not have the luxury of being exempt from all rules. Which is why I brought it up"
"I see, well I'm sorry, but you'll have to go back to Uther empty handed, because I cannot help you. I will not use the Cup of Life"
"Not even to help a friend?"
"No. If Uther were seriously injured, then perhaps I would consider using the cup to save his life. But I will not use it to give him a child".

"Why are you so afraid of it?" Asked Gaius.
"I'm not afraid of it. But that cup is guarded by my people, and to break their trust, steal it and use it, is something I will not do. Because if I did, I would get banished and would be forbidden from returning here. I do not want to be an outcast and be all alone for eternity" admitted Nimueh.
"I may not know all the rules as well as you do, but I believed that the cup could be used by anyone, if they asked nicely. That is why the cup was created, it was meant to be used. And even if you were thrown out of this place, you would always have a home at Camelot"
"It's too risky. Besides, the Cup of Life isn't as great as you think"
"Why not?".

"Well it may be true that the cup can save someone from dying. But it cannot stop dying in general. It can only save one persons life, by sacrificing another. One person must always die to counteract the life given. The balance of the world must always be restored" revealed Nimueh.
"So if you used the cup to create life and give Uther a son, someone would die?" Questioned Gaius.
"Yes. And I will not be able to decide who dies, because I am not that powerful. Quite often the one you care about most, will end up being the one to die, because that's just the way this cruel world is"
"And you're worried that Uther might die in order for his son to be born?"
"That it is a fear of mine, yes. And I'm not willing to make that trade".

"Don't you think that's his choice? If we go to Uther and tell him what could happen because of this spell, then it will be on his head if it all goes wrong" admitted Gaius.
"I guess that's an idea. But I'm still not sure that I want to go through with this" replied Nimueh.
"My lady, no one is going to force you to do anything. But Uther is your friend, nothing will ever change that. And if you were given the chance to help your friend, wouldn't you want to take it, no matter what the consequences could be?".

"You're right, Uther is my friend. He took me into Camelot and allowed me to rule at his side. Not many kings would do that... I guess I do kind of owe him...
Alright, look, you leave now and begin your journey back to Camelot until nightfull, when you will set up camp. Then tonight I will steal the Cup of Life and join you in the forest. The two of us will then leave together in the morning" said Nimueh.
"Alright. I will see you then" replied Gaius.
"Good. Although I'm telling you now, that this is a bad idea"
"We'll see".

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