4. The First Betrayal

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When Uther promised not to see Vivienne any more, Nimueh thought that he would stick to his word. But when she found out that the woman was pregnant, Nimueh just knew that Uther was the father and not Gorlois.
Nimueh didn't like to be lied to or double crossed, so as soon as she found out the news, she headed straight for Uther's chambers to confront him.
When she arrived she was glad to find Uther alone, as she didn't want to be the one to reveal the truth to Ygraine.
"You lied to me!" Shouted Nimueh as she marched towards Uther.
Instead of arguing angrily back at her like normal, Uther just stayed sat in his chair with his head resting on one of his hands.

"I don't like to be made a fool of, Uther Pendragon" continued Nimueh.
"I'm sorry" Uther said quietly.
Nimueh laughed, "It's not really me that you need to say those words to, it's your wife who deserves to be told the truth and should hear your apology".
"I know. But I just can't tell her the truth, it would break her heart. However, I am sorry, I didn't mean to get you all caught up in my mess"
"Well I'm involved now whether you like it or not... What are you going to do about the baby?"
"I- I don't know. Vivienne doesn't want Gorlois to know the truth, she wants him to keep believing that the child is his".

"So you really think that you can keep this a secret forever?" Quizzed Nimueh.
"Yes. This has to stay a secret from everyone, for the sake of my future child that I will have with Ygraine. I don't want anything to ruin that child's claim to the throne. I don't want anyone to find out about this, ever" replied Uther.
"Well you should have thought about that before you slept with Vivienne. I did warn you that no good would come of it"
"I should have listened to you"
"Yes, you should've done. Maybe next time you will heed my advice".

"I will. I just need you to promise that you aren't going to tell anyone the truth, not even your good friend Gaius" revealed Uther.
"So right after you break your own promise to me, I'm expected to make one on your behalf, and keep it?" Questioned Nimueh as she folded her arms.
"Look, I'm sorry I saw Vivienne again after I promised you that I wouldn't. But I can't change what I did. However, if you reveal the truth about her baby's father, you could bring all of Camelot crashing down on top of us"
"So I have to keep this secret about your infidelity, or the whole kingdom will suffer?"

"Well you know that I'm going to keep this a secret then, don't you" sighed Nimueh.
"You are?" Questioned Uther.
"Of course I am. I haven't spent months working here to restore Camelot to its former glory, only to have it fall apart because of your bastard. So I will keep your dirty little secret"
"Oh thank you Nimueh. You are the best friend any king could ask for"
"Just because I'm keeping this a secret for you, does not mean that I'm happy about it, any of it"
"I understand"
"And since you broke a promise to me once before, I shall treat every promise you make in the future with suspicion. You have lost my trust Uther"
"What can I do to earn it back and make it up to you?"
"Keep your end of the bargain for starters. Never see this woman again, and have no contact with her offspring when it's born".

"You want me to keep my distance from Vivienne and our child?" Asked Uther.
"Yes. And this time you will keep your promise, because I will be watching you very closely" warned Nimueh.
"This time I will stick to my word. Me and Ygraine are going to keep trying for a child, and I'm not going to see Vivienne ever again, not in that way anyway. I swear"
"Good... Ygraine is a kind woman and I'd hate for to be hurt, because of your inability to be faithful"
"I promise that this time I will be a faithful husband"
"I hope you keep that promise, for your sake... I'd better be off now"
"Nimueh, how do I know that you'll keep your word?"
"That is the difference between kings and High Priestesses, we keep our word. If we make a promise, we do not break it... Goodnight Uther".

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