2. One Sorcerer To Another

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Once Nimueh had been shown her room, instead of resting, she began to make her way through the castle, in search of Gaius. Since he was the physician, finding his quarters wasn't very difficult. As everyone she spoke to, knew exactly where they were.
After climbing the steep staircase, Nimueh knocked on the physican's door, and pushed it open slowly.
"Gaius?" She called out.
A middle aged man sitting at his desk, looked up, when he heard his name called.
When he realised who the visitor was, he rose to his feet.
"Nimueh" he said, bowing his head slightly.
"Hello Gaius"
"What are you doing in Camelot?"
"I've been instructed to help the king... There is to be a feast in my honor, tonight, explaining my arrival"
"It is a pleasure to see you again, my lady".

Nimueh smiled. "Thank you Gaius. It's nice to know that someone else with magic, is close to the king".
"Yes. Some people on the council, aren't too happy with magic. They believe it to be the route of all the problems in the kingdom" revealed Gaius.
"Well, that is isn't true. If they are trying to find a scapegoat for their problems, instead of trying to fix them, then we are going to have problems"
"Yes. Luckily the king is not so easily swayed. I expect he thinks of you when he is told magic is evil. Your friendship has influenced him, for the better".
Nimueh nodded, and began to walk around the room, investigating all the knooks and cranies.
"Congratulations on become the Head physican" she complimented.
"Thank you" replied Gaius.
Nimueh took a seat on the work bench, and sighed. She had travelled a long way to get there, and it had greatly tired her.

"How have you been since I last saw you?" Gaius asked.
"I am well, thank you" Nimueh replied.
"And... The child?"
"Morgause? She was fine the last time I saw her, she is being taken care of, I can assure you"
"She will be a formidable woman, once she has grown up. Being raised since birth, by the High Priestess's is a rare thing"
"Yes. And thank you again, for convincing them, to take her on"
"You are welcome. You made the right decision by handing her over to them, she has already displayed signs of magic"
"I see. Will she be told about her mother?"
"Yes. Her mother gave up her own healing bracelet, that the child will wear, when she is old enough"
"That's good"
"No idea who the father was?"
"No. All I know is that it was not Gorlois, Vivienne's husband".

"Ah yes, Vivienne, I've heard things about her. Apparently she is straying from her husband once again, and finding herself in bed with the king" explained Nimueh.
Gaius's jaw dropped.
"How did you- I mean, that's not true. Uther loves Ygraine, he would never hurt her in that way. And Gorlois is his best friend. He would never sleep with Vivienne, and if you go around spreading rumors..." stuttered Gaius.
Nimueh raised her hands. "I was only telling you what I've been told. I would never spread rumors, about Uther, he is my friend... Besides, you are the only person, I would discuss this issue with. One sorcerer, to another"
"Well, I'm not exactly on the same page as you, when it comes to magical abilities"
"That doesn't matter. All magic users are connected, the amount of power you have, has nothing to do with it".

Nimueh noticed a gold coloured band on one of Gaius fingers.
"Something you want to tell me?" She asked.
Gaius began playing with the ring on his finger, and smiled.
"I asked Alice to marry me. She is now my fiancè" Gaius answered.
"Wow. Congratulations Gaius. See, I told you last year, that love can happen to anyone, at any age"
"Yes. We don't plan on marrying just yet, but we will at some point in the future"
"Well, I'm happy for you. I'm sure the two of you will have a very good life together"
"Thank you Nimueh... Do you ever regret, giving up the chance of a normal life, and settling down, with a husband?"
"Becomming a High Priestess, was never a choice, as such. It was always going to happen... But, no. I'm happy with my lot in life. Not having to look for a man to take care of me, enables me to live my life, the way I want to".

Nimueh yawned, and quickly covered her mouth.
"I guess I had better get some rest, if I want to stay awake at this banquet tonight" sighed Nimueh, jumping down from the table.
Gaius stood up, and made his way over to his shelf, full of small bottles of potions. He picked one up, and handed it to Nimueh.
She took it from him, raising an eyebrow.
"Sleeping potion?" She quessed.
Gaius nodded.
"It's not a very strong one. It will only give you a couple hours of sleep" he warned.
Nimueh nodded. "A couple of hours, is all I need".

"Well, I'll see you at the feast later" said Gaius.
"Yes. Goodbye Gaius, it was nice to catch-up with you. I look forward to working by your side in the future" replied Nimueh.
Nimueh waved goodbye to Gaius, before heading for the door, and making her way back to her new room. She hadn't arrived with many personal items, but Uther had purchased several dresses for her, and placed them in her wardrobe.
As she wanted to make a good impression at the dinner, Nimueh would have to choose her outfit, very carefully.

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