1. Reunion

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As Nimueh walked through the streets of Camelot, she felt her heart sink. In her dreams and memories, the place always seemed so alive, and happy.
The place around her, couldn't be further than that. She passed dozens of people lying on the floor, with empty bowls, asking for money.
Nimueh was worried she would be ambushed by the poor, as she was wearing expensive, clothes, and jewelery. But she still felt sorry for the people.
They looked sad, and desperate.
Nimueh hadn't returned home in years, and she had no idea that Uther's rule had had such a negative effect on Camelot. She now understood why she had been instructed to be Uther's adviser. He definately needed some help, by the looks of things.
She was worried that they wouldn't recognise each other, as they had only been children, the last time they had seen each other. Many years had passed since then, and they were both grown adults.
Uther was a king, and he had already married. Nimueh was a powerful sorceress, a High Priestess.

When she reached the castle, she began to make her way through the corridors, heading for the Great Hall, where she expected Uther would be talking to his advisors.
There were no guards on the outside of the door, making Nimueh suspect that there were several on the inside.
She sighed, and pushed open the two large wooden doors, stepping inside.
"Halt!" Called one of the guards, stepping in front of her, raising his sword.
Nimueh rolled her eyes, at this minor inconvinience, and stepped to the side of him, making eye contact with Uther.
Uther sat in his throne, with his wife by his side, and his advisors in front of him. When he saw her enter the room, he stood up suddenly, staring at her.

"Nimueh?" He questioned.
Nimueh smiled, "Uther".
Uther looked around the room, at the men in front of him, "Leave us" he commanded.
The old men, and guards began to leave, glaring at Nimueh as they passed her.
Once they were pretty much alone, Uther began to make his way towards his guest.
"Is it really you?" He questioned, taking hold of her hand, and kissing it gently.
"Hello Uther. You've grown" she commented.
Uther smiled, and gestured towards the throne where his wife sat.
"Nimueh, this is my wife Ygraine" he introduced.
Nimueh bowed her head.
"A pleasure to meet you, my queen" she said politely.

Uther and Nimueh made their way back towards the thrones, both excited by each others presence.
"It's good to see you" revealed Uther.
"It's good to be back in Camelot" admitted Nimueh.
"Where did you two meet?" Questioned Ygraine, looking slightly jealous.
Nimueh smiled, "You don't need to worry my queen. I'm not here to take your husband... It wouldn't be allowed anyway, I am a High Priestess of the old religion, we are forbidden from marrying... The king and I met when we were children. We played together for a week, before I left, for my training".
"You're a witch?"
"I would prefer the term, sorcerer, but yes, I'm a witch, I have magic".

"What are you doing here?" Asked Uther, sitting back down onto his throne.
"I am here to advise you. I'm not saying you need my help. But I'm here to offer it to you, anyway" answered Nimueh.
"So, you are staying in Camelot?"
"Yes. If that is all right with you?"
"Of course. I shall get one of the servants to asign you a room in the castle"
"You are too kind"
"What are friends for?"
"Speaking of friends, was that Gaius I saw leaving the room, with all those men?"
"Yes. He is the new physician. You know him?"
"Not well, but our paths have crossed".

"Once you've had time to freshen up, I will introduce you to the rest of court, properly. I might even throw a feast in your honor, tonight" said Uther.
"I would be honered" replied Nimueh.
"Well then, Nimueh, welcome to Camelot"
"I am happy to be here. I am sure that I can do some good in this land"
"I'm greatful that you came all this way, to offer your services. The others at court might not like a woman joining them, but someone of your talent deserves to be there. Besides, I am the king, what I say goes-".
"Calm down my love. You should let your friend rest, after such a long journey, instead of interrogating her" interuppted Ygraine.
"Yes, thank you, my queen. It would be nice to get some rest, before this big feast tonight" admitted Nimueh.
"That's settled then. I will have a servant take you to your room" replied Uther.
Nimueh bowed again, and turned her back to the thrones, as she exited the room.

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