Chapter 9 La Push

Start from the beginning

“That's sounds even better. Do you think Sam will let us go for the weekend?”

“I don't see why not,” Selene said.

“Do you have to patrol tonight,” Leah asked.

“No, Sam thought it would be easier to talk to the pack if I wasn't around.”

“Yeah, I think that's for the best. But if anyone starts shit about this, I'm going to defend you, Sel.”

“Thank you, Leah, I appreciate it.”

Leah looked at the clock, “Come on, let's go pick up Seth; he went over to Brady's house.”

“Okay, let's go.”

The girls got into Selene's Range Rover and went to Brady's house to pick up Seth. When they got home, Leah left to join Sam and the pack at Emily's house. As soon as she left the house, Leah shifted into her wolf and ran to the house. When she arrived, the pack was already assembled outside.

Sam walked out onto the porch and walked into the woods a few seconds later, a black wolf emerged. He stood proud and tall over all the other wolves. Looking at every wolf in the eyes, Sam started to explain what was going to happen the next day, *Before we start our patrol I have some news to share with the pack.*

The pack stood at attention, waiting for Sam to continue, *Tomorrow, Selene's imprint will be coming to La Push to spend the day with her here.*

The pack was quiet for a moment; then, they erupted in growls and snarls as it sunk in that a vampire was going to be on their land, the loudest being Paul.

**QUIET!** Sam said, using his Alpha voice. The pack whimpered and settled down.

*Sam you can't let that leech onto the reservation, it violates the treaty.* Jacob said.

*No, let him, then we can slaughter the Cullens.* Paul said, *I can't wait to tear apart that big bloodsucker!*

Leah stared at Paul, wondering what his problem was with Emmett in particular. Her eyes suddenly widened when she realized what it was; Paul liked Selene. That's why he took it worse than everyone else that she had imprinted.

*You will do no such thing, Paul, Emmett is not violating the treaty. He's Selene's imprint, and as such, he has every right to be here as any other imprint does. You will not harm him, that's our most sacred law.*

*You can't make that decision, Sam, the Elders have to decide.* Jacob said smugly, knowing his dad would never agree to something like that.

*The Elders already decided. It was agreed when they found out about Selene's imprint.*

*I don't believe it,* Jacob said, *My dad would never agree to something like that.*

Sam growled and stood in front of Jacob, *Are you calling me a liar, Jacob?*

Jacob grudgingly cowed to Sam, *No, I'm not.*

*I think it's only fair that Selene's imprint is allowed here. Sam's right, Emmett, shouldn't be treated any differently from any other imprint just because he's a vampire. You guys have to remember Selene didn't choose this, but now that it happened, they're bound together.* Jared said

Paul turned to Leah, *And what do you think of all of this, Leah? You hate those leeches just as much as I do.*

*Yes, I do, but not my sister's imprint. I'll support my sister in this and anything else that she goes through, no matter what,* Leah told the pack.

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