42 - Park Dates and Kisses

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Chaeyoung and Lisa were happily walking hand in hand at the park seemingly looking like they were the only two people in the world. Lisa knew that her phone kept ringing earlier but she was having too much fun with Chaeyoung to give notice to her phone. She figured it wasn't anything important since it stopped ringing after a while.

"Hey look! Someone left a picnic basket." Chaeyoung points it out and pulls Lisa along.

"Chaeng, I know what you're thinking and we can't just eat whatever is in there. I know you're hungry so I'll take you out to eat." Lisa was trying to pull Chaeyoung away from the basket before she devours them but she takes a good look at the basket and knew it seemed familiar.

"Seojun?" She asks. "This is Minguk's picnic basket." Lisa says to Chaeyoung looking confused.

"It's Minguk's? Maybe they just look alike?" Chaeyoung asks.

"No, it's his. Me and Minguk made a mark on his picnic basket a year ago and it's that same mark on this basket." She confidently answers, she was sure it was his. She then remembers how her phone had kept ringing and so she pulls it up and sees Seojun's texts and calls.

She calls Seojun but weirdly enough he didn't answer. She just sends a text to Seojun saying that he left his basket and that she'd bring it over the next day with a new set of food. They happily grab the basket and found an open area with a nice shade so they could start eating the food.

Chaeyoung was happily dancing and humming to a new song she just heard on the radio and Lisa ate silently just watching her girl be happy. She loved every moment with Chaeyoung and hope days like this would never end.

"Lisa-yaaaaah." Chaeyoung says keeping her mouth open. Lisa looked at her in curiosity at first but understood what she wanted so she got out a piece of food and fed it to Chaeyoung. The girl dances happily and gave Lisa a kiss on the cheek as thanks for feeding her.

"Hey why'd I only get a kiss on the cheek? Can't I get a kiss on here?" She says pointing at her lips. Chaeyoung shakes her head no and Lisa pouts like a little child.

Chaeyoung thinks Lisa is the cutest when she's like this but nevertheless she still decides not to give Lisa a kiss at least not yet.

Lisa pretends she bit her tongue while eating one of the sandwiches and screams "Ahhh!".

"Why? What's wrong?" Chaeyoung asks worriedly.

"I bit my tongue." She responds and the girl hands her a glass of water to soothe Lisa's non-existent injury.

"Can I get a kiss to make it feel better?" Lisa asks playfully and pouts her lips for a kiss.

Chaeyoung asks Lisa to close her eyes and she did, she patiently waited for Chaeyoung to kiss her but the only thing she felt was a stinging sensation on her forehead. She opens her eyes to see Chaeyoung laughing out loud and laid on the grass holding her tummy.

"Hey, no fair." Lisa says.

"That's what you get for lying." Chaeyoung says. "You know I hate lies."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No more lies." Lisa lays down on the green covered land and looks at Chaeyoung sincerely.


"I promise." Lisa says.

Chaeyoung leans in for a kiss and as if on instinct both of them close their eyes at the same time, cherishing the fact that the two of them were in love and that in that moment nothing else seemed to matter. It was just them enjoying their time together as lovers. Their kiss lingers a bit longer than usual and they stared at each other's eyes.

"Lisa, do you think moments like this would last forever?" Chaeyoung asks.

"Everyone says nothing lasts forever Chaeng but everytime I think of you I feel as if I'd be willing to go through the ends of the world just to be in this moment with you. Maybe moments don't last forever but I know every moment I share with you will last a lifetime and maybe even a few lifetimes after that in my heart and soul."

"I love you."

"I love you."

Lisa and Chaeyoung continued to lay in the grass speaking of all the things that popped in their head, even the most domestic question of what food to feed their kids as a treat.

As the sun fell and the darkness seemed to cover the skies, a few shards of starlight lit up the night sky. They took that as a sign that it was time to go back home, they started packing up their stuff, or in this case Seojun's stuff, and walked back to the campus parking lot hand in hand.

Lisa opened the trunk at the back of her car and told Chaeyoung she could already go inside the car so she doesn't get too exposed to the cold air. Lisa placed the picnic basket inside the trunk and her phone finally vibrated from her pocket. Thinking it was Seojun, she got out her phone and looked at the message that she wished she never would see in her lifetime. It was indeed a text from Seojun and it only had four words and yet her whole being was shaken, her legs felt like jello and she held the side of the trunk for support.

"The old man's gone." Seojun's message had said.

Chaeyoung noticed Lisa was taking a long while at the back of the car so she shouted, "Lisa, do you need help?"

"Huh, uhh no I'm good. It's done now." Lisa says.

She goes inside the car not knowing how she feels. She wanted to cry and just rush into Chaeyoung's arms but she didn't. She didn't know if she had the right to feel this way.

"Everything okay?" Chaeyoung asks. She noticed Lisa's dazed look. Something was up and she felt it.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I just thought a shadow had passed by and I got scared." Lisa said and the girl beside her had become scared and the hairs on her arms had raised seemingly forgetting the foreboding feeling she had at the pit of her stomach that something was wrong with Lisa. She held Lisa's hand throughout as they drove home.

Lisa waited until Chaeyoung fell asleep before she yook out her phone and typed a response to Seojun.

"I'm coming."

A/N: Delayed update but I hope you guys liked this. Something is brewing can you feel it?
If you have any question, go on and ask me here --> curiouscat.me/babylichaeng

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