30 - Knock Knock

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Lisa hadn't had the chance to talk to Chaeyoung properly ever since the girl slept over at Jennie's place. She badly misses the girl but she understands that the girl was pretty busy with her classes too. Lisa just focused on their upcoming date to make it as perfect as possible and make up for lost time. Thankfully she'd be able to see the beautiful angel tonight at Ramé and hopefully the girl would sleepover at her place like they used to.

Chaeyoung was too busy doing schoolwork with Ashley and so she had been staying at Ashley's for the past two nights or at least that's what she had been telling Lisa. In reality, she was just avoiding Lisa for she was having a hard time getting the girl out of her thoughts. The past two nights had consisted of Chaeyoung trying her hardest to forget about her newly founded feelings for Lisa and to mentally prepare herself for their date. She knew the date was just a friendly one but her heart still kept fluttering everytime she thought of them going out on a date. She hopes that when their date tomorrow comes along that she has already accepted that all she'd ever be is a friend to Lisa. Liking the girl would only lead her to heartache.

Lisa made her way to the familiar room 2757 at the twenty-seventh floor of the building they were staying at. It was the first time she'd be seeing Chaeyoung after exactly 58 hours apart and she was both excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because she badly misses her, she couldn't wait to give the girl a hug. Nervous because the last time they were together something felt different and Chaeyoung seemed like she didn't want to be anywhere near her.

Standing at the front of the tall blonde's door, Lisa knocks on the door a little bit different this time.

"Chaeng?" Lisa asks.

"The door's open Lisa." Chaeyoung responds but Lisa refuses to enter the room. Instead she playfully responds in a song.

"Do you want to build a snowman? Come on let's go and play. I never see you anymore. Come out the door."

Chaeyoung hears Lisa singing and she was blown away by how playful Lisa was. She hadn't even formed a response yet and Lisa was already continuing her song.

"It's like you've gone away. We used to be best buddies, and now we're not. I wish you would tell me why." Lisa sings slowly.

Chaeyoung walks closer to the door and sighs loudly. She realizes she had indeed been distant towards the girl and that wasn't fair towards Lisa who had been nothing but a sweetheart to her. She really should stop avoiding her she thought.

"Do you want to build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman." Lisa ends the song and patiently waits for the girl to open the door. She was holding something in her hands hoping that Chaeyoung would find it funny.

The door opens and she sees her once again. Lisa's heartrate quickens at the sight of the girl in front of her. How could she become even more beautiful each time she sees her? Chaeyoung was wearing an unreadable expression on her face and Lisa could see it clearly.

What's wrong Chaeng? Why won't you look me in the eyes anymore.

Lisa noticed how Chaeyoung was looking at her face but not at her eyes. She got so used to them staring into each other's eyes that she knew today was once again different. Chaeyoung was still acting differently.

Chaeyoung was afraid to look into Lisa's eyes so she looks at anywhere deliberately forgetting to look into her eyes. She looks down and spots the girl holding a carrot. It puts a smile to her face and she couldn't help but put her hand towards the carrot.

"Lisa? Why'd you bring a carrot?" Chaeyoung asks with soft eyes and a slight smile.

"F-for the s-snowman or maybe some soup if you didn't want to build a snowman with me." Lisa answers the question nervously. Knowing that the girl was acting differently made her quite nervous about the things she says. She hopes that Chaeyoung would talk to her about it so she can help the girl and maybe go back to the way they were before.

Chaeyoung laughs at Lisa's answer. She had missed how much Lisa's silliness and randomness made her laugh. She missed being with her.

"It's not winter yet Lisa, we can't build a snowman even if I wanted to but maybe we can make some soup since the weather's getting colder." Chaeyoung suggests.

Lisa's eyes brightens because Chaeyoung responded like the girl normally would. Lisa bobbed her head up and down to show her agreement and Chaeyoung just smiles at her.

"Come in, let's keep the carrot first." Chaeyoung hands out her hand and asks for the carrot but Lisa shakes her head no. Chaeyoung gives her a questioning look and instead of responding Lisa walks towards the girl and hugs her tightly. Not so tight that the girl is squeezed to death but tight enough to show her how much she missed her.

"I missed you Chaeng. It's been 58 hours since I last saw you." Lisa says.

"58 hours and 34 minutes." Chaeyoung responds.

"58 hours 34 minutes and 20 seconds." Lisa says.

"Won't you hug me back Chaeng?" Lisa asks because the girl still had her hands to her sides.

It was silent for who knows how long but the beating of Lisa's heart kept getting faster as each second that the girl didn't respond made her slightly panic. Soon enough, a pair of long arms wraps itself around Lisa's and one of its hand had made its way towards her clothes and was slightly pulling on it. It was something that Chaeyoung like to do and Lisa couldn't help but smile and stop herself from tearing up. She hopes that today had slowly fixed whatever it was that was going on with them.

Lisa loosens her grip on the hug but the girl tightened her grip on Lisa. Lisa moves her arms towards the girl's back and gently rubs it slowly in a comforting way.

"I really missed you Chaeng."

"I missed you too Lisa."

"I'll make you some good carrot soup." Lisa says.

"Nooo! I'll do it."

"Chaeng, it's just soup. I'm not gonna fuck it up and burn it. I promise."

"You managed to boil dry water in a pot and it turned so black we had to throw it away."

"I'll do it well this time please."

"We'll do it together okay?"


They continued conversing while still enclosed in a hug. Both of them not wanting to let go of each other. Perhaps the time apart did them well making them realize how much they wanted to be next to each other.

A/N: Yay, I managed to sleep well last night so I was able to write this chapter this morning. Thanks for patiently waiting. I'm not sure if you guys knew but the song Lisa was singing is from Frozen, a children's film.

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