19 - Definitely Not

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Jennie is taking Chaeyoung to a calligraphy class. She knew the younger one would love it since the girl liked anything art related. They ride the train hand-in-hand and Jennie looks like a small bean in front of Chaeyoung. Everytime the two of them are together Chaeyoung naturally leads and protects Jennie, it must be because Jennie easily gets scared. Jennie smiles seeing Chaeyoung happily looking at buildings through the window.

"I'm glad you seem happier already." Jennie says.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you Jennie." Chaeyoung says.

"I know but last night you seemed out of it and today you looked liked you cried all night."

"I'm okay Jennie. I promise."

"Won't you talk to me about it?" Jennie asks.

"I want to but I don't know where to start. I'm confused about a lot of things." Chaeyoung says frowning.

"We have all the time in the world today. I can wait." Jennie says giving her gummy smile.

They go to the workshop and the class is more or less complete and just waiting for the instructor to arrive. The instructor arrives and teaches them the basics of calligraphy before making them try it themselves. They were given pieces of paper and brushes and pens. Jennie was busy attempting to write the alphabet while Chaeyoung who liked art seemed to be more advanced. She had already finished writing the alphabet and was now busy doing her own thing, she was writing a bunch of words in a piece of paper.

Jennie looked at Chaeyoung to see what she had written

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Jennie looked at Chaeyoung to see what she had written. It was a bunch of words in English.

"More of you less of me." Jennie reads. Chaeyoung looks at her and smiles.

"Those were the words that I always wanted to have as a tattoo when I was in my early teens." Chaeyoung says.

"It's not too late to have them now." Jennie says grabbing a pen from the table she urges Chaeyoung to let her write the words for her. Afterall, it'll come off anyway after a bath or two.

Chaeyoung ties her hair up into a bun and points to her back just below the neck line. Jennie does her best to write the words beautifully and thankfully she succeeds. She took a picture and shows it to Chaeyoung.

"You did a great job Jennie." Chaeyoung says smiling. Jennie is slightly embarrassed at the compliment but still gives her the biggest gummy smile she could muster.

The calligraphy workshop came to an end and Chaeyoung this time dragged Jennie in an ice cream shop. The shop they entered into seemed like it had just opened recently, the feel of the place was similar to a vintage ice cream parlour shop except all the interiors looked brand new. Taylor Swift's song Begin Again was faintly playing in the background as blurred noises of the crowd filled the room. Chaeyoung went to the register and bought a couple of scoops of milk ice cream for the both of them.

Chaeyoung arrives at the table that Jennie had chosen. The older girl's eyes brightens the moment she sees her favorite ice cream. They eat the ice cream eagerly.

"Jennie, will you be willing to listen to my story?"

"Duh. I'm always up for it." Jennie says rolling her eyes butbher expression is soft.

"Jen, I think I don't see Daehan the same way that I used to." Chaeyoung says. Jennie perks her ears hiding the fact what Chaeyoung said was music to her ears. Chaeyoung deserves someone so much better than Daehan, that dumbass of a guy.

"He's changed Jen. He's not the same person I know anymore, it's like he doesn't even care for me anymore. The thing is I thought this would hurt me badly because ever since I've been back to Korea all he ever brought me was disappointment and heartache but yesterday surprisingly I didn't even feel a thing when he up and left. I didn't even care if he went out with some girl. I don't know when it happened but I found myself no longer in love with him. I think I want to cut things off with Daehan." Chaeyoung says.

"But how come you were crying last night Rosie? Lisa told me you cried all night."

"I, uhh, I don't know. I'm confused about why I cried Jennie. It didn't have anything to do with Daehan."

"Are you homesick? Do you miss your parents? Alice? Joohwang?" Jennie asks.

"No, I mean I do miss them but I don't think I'm homesick. Anyway, let's not talk about this. Jen? Is Lisa and Seojun b-back together?"

"Lisa and Seojun? No, I don't think so but maybe that's where they're headed to. I could see from a mile away that Seojun is still very much in love with Lisa even more so than before. I really think he regrets ever leaving Lisa, and if it makes Lisa happy then I'm all for it. I'm worried that he may hurt Lisa again but it's all up to Lisa to decide." Jennie responds and a frown falls upon Chaeyoung's pretty face.

"Jen, I don't think I want Lisa to get back with Seojun. Something doesn't feel right, I can feel it in my bones."

"Only time can tell Rosie. We can't really stop them if they want to be together."

"I know." That's why it hurts because I can't help it.

"Aww. Are you afraid that Lisa will have less time with you? You're practically giant twins from how much you spend time together. Lisa evens sounds like you when talking in English, she's got the accent down. Don't worry about it Lisa absolutely adores you and she's not the type to forget her friends. I swear she even sometimes look like a lovesick puppy when you're not around."

"It's not that. I'm just worried." Chaeyoung says with blushed cheeks.

Chaeyoung changes the topic and goes back to talk about Daehan.

"Do you think Daehan could change? If I confront him, do you think he'd go back to the old him?"

"I don't know Rosie. Daehan has always been unpredictable and kind off like an asshole, no offense. I've always been honest with you about my thoughts about him and you know I think you deserve someone better. Maybe you can find someone that would put you first and take care of you. Someone that would love you unconditionally." Jennie says smiling.

"Someone that thinks I'm funny, someone who makes me laugh, someone who lets me do what I want, someone who allows themselves to be dragged to wherever I want to go to, someone who sings me to sleep, and someone who loves me for me." Chaeyoung continues Jennie's sentence. Her mind drifting to a certain someone.

"There you have it. That someone is definitely not Daehan."

"Definitely not." Chaeyoung agrees.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this Rosie but I have been waiting for this day to arrive. The moment you realize your worth. I feel like such a proud sister." Jennie says smiling with tears in her eyes.

"Aww Jennie! I love you." Chaeyoung hugs Jennie and being the softy she is she cried together with Jennie which made Jennie cry more which made Chaeyoung cry even more. You guys get it right? They cried like idiots while laughing at each other. When they had their fill of tears, laughter, and hugs they said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

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