Chapter 7- Uh Oh

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-Niall's P.O.V-

My cousin kissed a guy that wasn't her boyfriend. My cousin got in a fight with her boyfriend. My cousin was going to fix things. My cousin got in a car accident. My cousin is in a hospital. Am I ranting? I'm ranting. No, I'm freaking out. Where the hell is my girlfriend? I haven't seen her since yesterday.

New Message to: AllyBabe<3

Babe... Josey's in the hospital..

I really hope someone told her and I didn't just flat out tell her that her best friend is in the hospital without her knowing already.

New Message from: AllyBabe<3

I know. Lou told me. I'm on my way

Oh thank god, she already knew. And she's coming, that makes me a bit happier. But Josey is still in a hospital. She's unconscious from the accident. Harry got hurt too, but he's just cut and bruised with a minor concussion. Josey's unconscious. She hasn't woken up. The police officer from the accident said the cars both hit each other closer to the drivers seat, the other driver is beat up pretty bad too. This whole situation is just so damn messed up. I can't believe this is happening. I can't even imagine how Louis feels right now. She was on her way to see him. Or even how Harry feels, knowing that he was next to her in the car and he's fine. Josey, please wake up. Please. Please. Please. I hate waiting rooms and I hate not knowing what's wrong with you and I hate how much Liam is shaking next to me right now and I hate hospitals and it's cold in here and hey, there's the doctor.

"Your friend is still unconscious." Poop. "However, she isn't in a coma. Her brain is very active and her brain waves are normal. She's basically in a very deep sleep and will wake up when her body and mind are ready. You can go in and see her, but please, don't shout or shake her. She has mild bruising on the left side of her face, stitches on her shoulder, arm, leg, and she broke her wrist. Honestly, your friend is very lucky to be in as great of a condition as she is." The doctor explained to us.

Once he said that, Liam and I rushed into the room. I have no idea where Louis or Harry are. Either way, they wouldn't want to see this right now. Josey looks horrible. She's all bruised and swollen.

"At least she doesn't look like she's in pain?" I sadly said, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's because she'd heavily drugged and sleeping." Liam said blankly.

I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. Seeing Josey like this was painful. Seriously though, where the hell are Harry and Lou? They should be here for her. She needs to be surrounded by everyone right now.

"Oh my god, Josey." I jumped at the sound of someone else's voice but calmed down when I realized it was just Ally.

"Yeah uh, it's pretty bad.." I sadly said before walking over and hugging her.

"Why are you guys the only one's here? Where are Lou and Harry? Wait. Harry was in the car with her. Is he okay? Wait, Louis' heart was broken. Is he okay?" Ally asked, quite confused.

"We aren't exactly sure where anyone is right now." I said with my arms around her.

"I'm gonna go find them." She replied.

*Ally's P.O.V*

"Want me to come with you?" Niall asked.

"No, I'm fine." I said before walking away. Seeing Josey all beaten up like that was quite painful. Plus, the boys need to be here for her. I know Harry is around here somewhere, he was treated too. I can't imagine Louis would just, not come. He has to be here.

After a while of walking up and down hallways, I decided to just text them.

To: Lou and Hazza
Where are you?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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