Malcolm rubbed his hands together and smiled. He looked at his children and said to them, "Then where should we go? Hm?"

"There must be someplace special to you." Rumpelstiltskin stated.

"Oh." Malcolm stated as he started to hyperventilate. He put his hand up to his forehead as he stated to himself. "Think, think." He paused until he put his hand over his mouth and continued to utter the word "think" to himself. He stopped talking which made Rumple and Reese concerned. They looked at each other until they heard their father say, "Think lovely thoughts. That's it."

"What?" Rumple and Reese said in unison. They're both confused as to where their father wanted them to go.

"When I was a boy, my father sold me to a blacksmith. All day in front of hot coals, the sweat and grime. But every night I would say to myself, 'think lovely thoughts'. And in my sleep, I would travel to the most wonderful place."

"What was it called?" Reese asked.

Malcolm bent down to Reese and Rumple's height and said, "Neverland."

"Then that's where we should go." Rumple replied. He looked over at his sister and she nodded her head. They were both smiling at the thought of being a whole family again. Reese held out the magic bean again and Malcolm took it from her hand. He got up from bending down and giggled as he looked at the bean. The twins watched as their father threw the magic bean onto the ground. At first nothing happened but then a green portal started to appear. The twins looked over at their father and he started to talk, "I don't even know if this place is real." As he said it he started to giggle again, which gave Reese a weird vibe.

They all looked at each other and they all held onto each others hand. Reese and Rumple looked down at the green portal and then at their father. When they noticed that he was starting to jump in, they immediately jumped in after him.

At first they didn't see anything, it was like the world went black, but then they saw a light at the end of the tunnel. But what the twins didn't know was that, that was the last light they would ever see.


They all saw a flash of white light and then they fell onto the sand. They all grunted when their bodies fell onto the hard sand. Rumple and Reese laughed as they got up and looked around. Their father was right, Neverland does exist.

"We actually did it." Malcolm said in disbelief. He giggled with excitement and then ran over to Reese and Rumple and touched their faces as he said, "We made it!" The twins chuckled as they looked around the island. They stopped when their father started to talk as he walked around, "It's just as I remember in my dreams. Hasn't changed at all."

"It's beautiful!" Reese exclaimed.

"It is." Rumpelstiltskin agreed.

"No, it's more than that. Neverland is special. You can do anything here. Just think it, and it can happen. What would you like to eat?" Malcolm stated. He looked at Rumple and Reese and continued, "Go on. Just think it."

Reese and Rumple both closed their eyes and held their hands out. Rumple was thinking about chocolate cake and Reese was thinking about a brownie. When they opened their eyes, whatever they were thinking about appeared. They both giggled and smiled.

"You can eat cake and brownies all day and never get a stomachache." Malcolm commented. He pointed at a waterfall and continued, "Or swing on a vine through a waterfall." Reese and Rumple put down their chocolate desserts and followed their father. They licked the chocolate off their fingers as they listened to their father continue, "But best of all... You can fly..." He spread his arms out so he was in a 't' formation.

The Darker One// Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now