Chapter 28: Babysit

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It was a Thursday afternoon, and I had not long ago picked up my little brother from school. We were at home, and he had gone into his bedroom to play. Today, me and Michael planned to surprise him, by having Michael come round since my parents weren't going to be home till late.

I changed into grey sweatpants and a hoodie while I waited for Michael to call me to tell me when he was here, so I could make Cody answer the door. Around two minutes later, he called, and I answered immediately.

"Hey, are you here?", I asked, looking out of the window.

I smiled as I saw him at my door. He looked up and waved as he saw me.

"Right on time."

"Okay, wait there. Don't knock until I hang up."

"I'll be here.", he sang.

I smirked, placing my phone in my pocket, before walking to my brother's room.

"Hey, Cody", I spoke.

He turned around, holding two action figures in his hands. "Luke! Do you wanna play transformers with me?"

I scurried over and kneeled down so I was on the floor with him.

"Yes, in a bit. But, I have a surprise for you first."

His eyes lit up excitedly as he looked at me. "A surprise? For me?!"

"Yes", I grinned.

"What is it?!", he threw the toys on the floor, jumping excitedly.

I chuckled.

"Remember when Michael said he would come around to play with you?"

Cody widened his eyes and placed his hands on his cheeks. "He's coming today?"

I looked in my pocket, slyly hanging up the call. Seconds later, the doorbell rang.

I turned to my brother and smirked. "I wonder who that could be?"

"I'll get it, I'll get it!"

Cody sprinted out of his bedroom, and downstairs excitedly.

"Be careful!", I laughed, running after him.

I watched from the top of the staircase as he opened the door and screamed happily in surprise.


My boyfriend opened his arms wide, engulfing my little brother in a hug.

"Hey, buddy!"

Cody smiled hugging him back.

"Luke, it's Michael, it's Michael!", he jumped excitedly as he pulled away.

I widened my eyes, pretending to be surprised, as I walked down the stairs to see the brown haired boy in his messy school uniform.

"Wow! Michael Clifford is that you?"

He laughed, closing the door.

"It is. I thought I'd come and surprise you guys."

"Well, that is a great surprise right Cody?"

"Yes!", Cody beamed. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"And I'm so happy to see you little guy", he grinned.

"Michael you need to see my room! We can play transformers, and then we can play robocops and then-"

I chuckled touching my brother's head.

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