He stops at his doorway when he sees that I wasn't following him. He gives me a questioning look. "Well, aren't you going to brush your teeth too?" I smile and get up to follow him. We get to the restroom and I realize that I still have the bedsheets wrapped around my arms. He grabs the toothbrush and puts some toothpaste on it. I try not to think negatively so I spark up a conversation. "So Bakugo, school is going to be weird tomorrow. We also need to go to my house to get the permission slip signed by my dad. I texted my sister to see if my dad would be home, but she hasn't answered. To be fair I texted her like at 5, almost 6, in the morning."

He nods when I say school is going to be weird tomorrow. He finishes brushing his tongue and rinses out his mouth to answer as I put some toothpaste on the toothbrush I'm using. He moves out of the way and says, "Yeah. It'll be weird talking to your dad. I already hate the thought of it. Your dad really pisses me off. Usually I'm alright with him, well pretty much everyone pisses me off but I'm alright with most of the pros. Even with your dad usually, but now that I'm in your body, I find him so annoying and that stupid ass flame beard is just so, so- um what's the word? Oh yeah fucking stupid."

I smile, trying not to laugh because then the toothpaste would go everywhere. I nod at his comment. I do think my dad's beard is pretty dumb. "So, about school. I was thinking we could just walk to school together everyday this week. You just act all pissed off that I'm following you and no one would suspect a thing because you're so mysterious and no one questions when you do anything. At lunch I'll tell Deku that I want to sit with you guys and that way we know what's going on with each other's friend groups at all times. Then if something happens without one of us being there, we can tell each other when we get back here," Bakugo says.

I had already brushed my tongue and I was now rinsing out my mouth. I turn around and nod. "Yeah it sounds good. Hopefully it'll be that easy," I say. He sighs and nods too. "I also don't want to slip up and call you Bakugo when you're in my body," I tell him. "Yeah, I know, me too. And remember, call me IcyHot, Half'n'Half, Canadian flag, Candy cane, or anything offensive that's white and red," he says. I nod and take in the information. "Do I take the pills now?" He looks at me and nods. Then he walks over to the drawer and takes out the two bottles of pills and hands me one of each with the water bottle that I've been using the whole weekend.

I take both pills and then give a thumbs up and smile weirdly. He laughs and rolls his eyes as he goes to turn on his Xbox. I just hope school goes well. I don't know how he does it to get through school, but I'll try. He hands me the remote and we both sit down on the bed. The bed sheets on my arms are very useful. They're comfortable and since the bandages on my arms are secure, it doesn't hurt. Of course there's also the fact that they prevent me from trying to hurt myself. Also since they're big, I can't really move my arms too much so if I try to hurt my legs, it would be so annoying and I don't have the energy to even try. I have a blanket over me and it's also covering my arms. It's only so that if Bakugo's parents walk in, they don't say anything.

I just really don't want to hurt Bakugo's body more than it already is. He goes through a lot as it is. I can feel everything he usually feels and the medication is working already. Even with the meds, his symptoms are still pretty damn high and it's crazy. The more I think, the more I realize how weird this quirk really is. It's very unique and it makes no sense.

"Okay let's go mining so that we can find some obsidian to go to the nether. When we do that, we can go onto easy or whatever setting you want to fight some endermen to get ender pearls to find the end. Then we can get so much XP and be even more strong," Bakugo says, excitedly. I nod and start to get some coal, my iron pickaxes, my crafting table, and LOTS of wood and torches. We start mining and time goes by really fast.

A few hours later, Bakugo's mom walks into the room as we're fighting some endermen for their pearls. I quickly remember that I'm Bakugo right now and look at her. "Hey we're leaving now. Bye you flunk," she says and closes the door. "Tch whatever Old Lady," I tell at her as I hear her footsteps die off in the distance. I feel a little sad that she just left so quickly and that dad didn't come say goodbye but it's nothing new.

Change of Perspective (TodoBaku)Where stories live. Discover now