Chapter 7

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The guy falls to the floor and doesn't move. Scout freezes in place, her eyes wide. She turns to the other guy and holds the gun to his head.
His face is completely devils of any emotion. Cove looks at him confused. She lets her hand fall for a moment before bringing the gun back up to his head.
"Why aren't you scared?" She screams in his face. He looks back at her completely unfazed by her screaming. He shrugs and looks over at us before he looks up at the gun on his head.
"Eh, I've always wanted to die. Humans are stupid," he tells her. She looks at him like he's the dumbest person on earth before she shoots him and he falls to the ground.
She hands her gun to Oak and grabs the two bodies. She  up them somewhere and reappears back beside Blythe. Wyatt walks into t back room and I slip past the girls and follow him.
Leon holds onto the girl at the counter tightly as I slip by. Our of the corner of my eye I see Rhys going to go save her. I smile and slip into the office that Wyatt had just walked into.
He goes through the files in one of the drawers and I stand at the door with my arms crosses. I kick the door closes and he looks up. I lock the door and walk towards him. 
"I'm so surprised you found us!" He says sarcastically. I took my eyes and walk over to him. He blasts fire from his hands and I narrowly avoid it. It hits the wall and sets the wallpaper on fire. It starts to spread around the office but I ignore it and turn back to him.
He shoots fire at me again and I walk into the wall. My right wings sets in fire and I frantically flap it. The fire goes out and I turn back to him. He grabs my arm and burns me.
I wince and pull back. For a moment his face flashes with guilt but then it's gone and I wonder if it was ever there at all. The fire starts spreading to the carpet on the ground and I look down cautiously as I try to go to the door.
I touch the handle but it burns my hand and I stop. I trapped us in here I realize terrified. Wyatt looks completely calm about the whole situation. The air starts to fill with smoke and I squint to see around the office.
I run around the office and bump into some of the burning pieces of furniture. I flap my wings and try to put the fire pit a little but it doesn't do anything. I walk over to where I last saw Wyatt and I find him sitting there.
He smirks up at me and blasts fire into my chest. I stumble back into the wall and my wings catch fire once again. I see him get up by the desk and I inhale sharply.
The smoky air causes me to cough violently and I fall onto the ground. I see a pair of shoes in front of me and I slowly look up at him. He looks at me sadly and sighs. He grabs gloves from out of his pockets and puts them on over his hands.
I crawl back as he bends down to grab me. He frowns and drives me into a corner. He then picks me up, and I let him. He opens the door of the office and takes me out of the back of the burning building. 
He walks over to Leon and the girls and holds me in his arms. I love there, too hurt to fight back. He looks at Leon guilty. Leon walks over to him and takes me from his arms.
He sets me down on a low lying wall and stands over me. He carefully blasts ice onto the fire on my wings and clothes. He picks me back up and they take me to their car.
I watch as the firemen and police out out the fire. My friends look around frantically as they drive off with me in Wyatt's lap. I try to move but he pushes me down.
They play music similar to what my friends do and I tear up slightly. I want to go back to my friends. I look at Leon and the others cautiously. Why in the world would they save me? I'm the enemy!I
"Oak, can you blind him please?" Wyatt asks her. She nods and lifts her hands. I struggle harder than before to move but her powers still hit me. I struggle in his grip, somewhat trying to get out, somewhat terrified of being blind.
He puts a hand on my wings and I stop. I sit there as he looks over my wings and runs his gloves hand over the burns. I hear Leon sigh and the car stops.
Wyatt picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I hear a bell chime and they go into some place. I hear gasps of shock. I'm set down on a bed of some sort and someone straps me down. I feel the air rush past me as I'm wheeled somewhere. 
Footsteps walk beside me and I frown knowing that it's most likely Leon and Wyatt. They bed stops and I hear people rushing around me. A person puts their hands over my burns and heals them slightly.
They get done with what they're doing and walk out of the room. I hear breathing which lets me know that someone else is still in the room. I tense up slightly as i feel a hand over my own.
"I'm sorry," a voice I recognize as Wyatt's says. I hear him sniffle and then footsteps walking out of the room. The door closes but someone else is still in the room.
"He really is sorry Camdyn. I hope you know that," Leon says. He sits in the chair beside me and I can almost hear his smile. I groan slightly as I try and fail to sit up.
"Why did you guys save me? And where am I? " I ask him. He sharply takes in a breath and I hear him lean back in the seat. It stays completely silent for a while besides the sound of the heart monitor beeping beside me.
"We saved you because even though you're technically our enemy, we don't want you to die. And as for where you are, you're in a hospital. I should leave before the cops come though," he speaks up, startling me.
I hear the chair scrape lightly against the ground as he stands up. He brushes the hair off my forehead and sighs before walking out of the room. I slowly start to regain my vision, and I run a hand over my face, more confused than ever.

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