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The two boys laid next to each other in Jace's bed, having moved for more privacy. Their chests moved up and down in uneven breaths, the scent of sex heavily present in the room. Casey's head was resting in the crook of Jace's neck; shivers ran down his neck from Casey's breath.

"You're tickling me," Jace whispered softly, glancing down at his brown haired boyfriend. Casey laughed; the sound was like music to Jace's ears.

"I'll show you tickling," Casey exclaimed as he grabbed Jace's sides.

Jace let out a squeal, laughing as Casey tickled his sides. "Ah! No!"

Casey continued to tickle Jace until both of them were howling with laughter. Casey stopped tickling him and pulled him closer, pressing their foreheads together. Jace grinned at his boyfriend, his heart fluttering with the feeling of love. Casey smiled back at Jace, placing a chaste kiss to his lips.

"I love you," Casey spoke softly, looking at Jace with love and admiration. He had trouble believing that he deserved Jace; the thoughts of the horrible things he had said to him racing back into his head.

"I love you too" Jace replied; forcing any thought Casey had about the mean things he had said in the past out of his head.


"You did what?!" Finn exclaimed, getting shushed by the librarian.

Finn and Jace were sitting at one of the tables in the school library when Jace had decided to tell his best friend what he and Casey were up to a few days ago.

"Shhh!" Jace whined, his face bright red with embarrassment. Finn laughed at his best friend, patting him on the back.

"Well, was it good?" Finn asked, making Jace blush even more, if that was possible.

Jace hid his face in his hands, "Shut up, Finn," he whined, glancing at his best friend. "...yes, it was good." He mumbled.

Finn wiggled his eyebrows at Jace, "ooooh,"

Jace rolled his eyes but smiled, laughing with his best friend. He couldn't help but feel relieved that he had told someone; not that it was supposed to be a secret of anything, he just felt relieved that he told Finn about it. The two boys continued to chat away until the bell for class rang. They walked with each other until they had to part ways to go to their classes.

Jace waved goodbye to Finn and entered his classroom. The second semester had started a few days ago, so this was the first time Jace had entered this class. He looked around as students piled into the classroom, making their way to their seats.

"Oh, you must be Jace," a woman's voice spoke, catching the attention of Jace. He turned to face the woman, fiddling with his friendship bracelet. "I am Ms. Rye; You've only missed a couple of days, so it won't be too difficult for you to catch up. You can sit wherever you like, okay?"

"Okay," Jace nodded, scanning the faces of the students as he made his way over to the last empty seat. He gasped as he saw who he had to be sat beside.

'Of course.' Jace thought, 'Just my luck,'

Jace begrudgingly sat down in the empty seat next to his bully, putting his notebooks down on the desk he unfortunately had to call his. He had expected for Nick to have made a snarky comment already, but he hadn't; maybe it was for the best.

Ms. Rye began to teach the class, giving Jace the worksheets that he had missed while healing from his concussion. Jace had no trouble at all with finishing the work, as he was a good student.

"I'll be handing out an assignment, which will be done in pairs," Ms. Rye started, the students all beginning to look at the friend they were going to partner up with. "I'll be choosing the pairs,"

"Awww!" The whole class groaned.

"Come up and get an assignment sheet and check who your partner is on the sheet that I am putting on the chalkboard," The teacher said.

Everyone got up out of their desks and made their way to Ms. Rye's desk, each student grabbing an assignment sheet. Jace followed suit, excited to have a chance to work with someone new and possibly make a friend.

Jace waited until most of the students had gone back to their desks to check who his partner was. He ran his finger down the list, stopping at his name.

Jace Li and Nick McCann.

Jace could not believe his eyes, how unlucky could he be to be partnered with Nick, of all people?! He jumped as he heard Nick's voice next to him.

"I guess that we're partners," Nick said, looking down at the blonde haired boy. The bully ripped a piece of paper off the corner of his assignment sheet and scribbled down his phone number.

"Wha-?" Jace started to speak, but was interrupted by the person who had been bullying him all throughout high school.

"I'm only doing this because I want a good mark, and because I don't want to be seen with you at school," Nick said, handing the slip to Jace. "Text me when you want to get this assignment done. I want to spend as little time with you as possible."


Hello guys! Sorry that it took so long for me to update, I wanted to update this last week but everything going on about COVID-19 has been super crazy. However, I am off school until April 5th due to the virus, so I hope to get more updates out soon.

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