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Double update cuz I have free time

TW: Homophobia/Gay slurs.

Jace's first class went by quickly. He was all caught up in art and that made him super happy. He was one of the last people out of the classroom, but he quickly made his way to his locker.

"Hey, fag!" A voice shouts. "Where's your boyfriend?"

Ignore it, Jace. He told himself.

Jace practically jumped in his skin when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He felt a panic attack coming on.

"It's rude to ignore people," the person said, tightening his grip on Jace's shoulder.

"We should teach her a lesson, Nick!" Another said. Nick's sidekick Ken.

"I-im not a girl.." Jace said.

"Well you sure as hell dress like one, tranny!" Nick said.

That's when Jace felt the first punch, right to his stomach. Then he felt the second and third. Jace fell backwards, landing on the floor. Tears started to well in Jace's eyes.

"Awhe, guys look," Nick cooed maliciously. "We're going to make her cry!"

"I'm not a girl!" Jace squeaked, earning him a kick in the face from Nick.

This continued for a while and Jace had started crying. He had a busted lip, a black eye and his nose was bleeding. He also had lots of bruises on his torso. Jace cried harder.

"S-Stop! Please!" Jace cried.

"Shut up!" Nick said. "Or else I'll-"

"Or else you'll what?" Another voice said. Jace recognized that voice.

"C-Casey!" Jace cried.

Before Nick knew it, Casey had picked him up by his shirt and held him against the lockers.

"If you ever lay a finger on Jace again, I'll make your pathetic excuse for a life, a living hell! Do you understand me, you cuntbag?!" Casey yelled.

"Y-yes!" Nick squeaked.

Casey dropped Nick on the floor and Nick scrambled off with his followers.

Casey walked over to Jace. "Fuck, Jace. You look like shit. Are you okay? You're bleeding."

"Ow.." Jace whimpered. "Fucking hell.."

"I'm taking you to the nurses office." Casey said.

Casey picked Jace up, and carried him bridal style. Jace blushed brightly the whole time, but didn't have enough energy to say anything.

Casey looked down at Jace and saw that he had passed out. "Don't worry, Jace.. I'll protect you." He whispered.

Bad BoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora