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(Important A/N at the end!!)

Casey groaned as the sun shone brightly in his face. He opened one of his eyes and realized that him and Jace had fallen asleep at the cliffs during their date. Casey sighed; his back was hurting him from the uncomfortable ground.

He looked down and Jace and smiled. Jace's head was resting on Casey's chest. Jace was still asleep, snoring lightly.

Casey didn't know what to do to wake his sleeping boyfriend up. He didn't want to wake him; he looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. So Casey decided on just waiting until his boyfriend woke up himself.

Jace woke up about twenty minutes after Casey woke up. He yawned softly, catching the older boy's attention.

"Hey, you're awake," Casey said, smiling at Jace.

He smiled back, cuddling into his boyfriend's chest. "Yeah," he said.

"We fell asleep out here," Casey said, laughing and gesturing to the outdoors around them.

Jace looked around and laughed as well. "Oh, that's probably why my back hurts, huh?"

Casey laughed again; a sound that Jace loved to hear. Both boys sat up, their backs cracking. They stretched and stood up, yawning.

"Jace?" Casey said, picking up everything that was theirs.

"Yeah?" He responded, helping Casey clean up the area.

Casey smiled at his boyfriend. "You wanna go out for breakfast?" He asked.

Jace nodded, giving Casey a crooked smile. "Of course," he responded, grabbing his boyfriend's hand.

They locked their fingers together and walked to Casey's car. Casey put everything in the back seat and then opened the door for his boyfriend. He smiled and got in the passenger seat, and Casey got in the front seat. Casey pulled out of the forest opening and drove off.

"Where do you want to eat?" Casey asked, glancing at Jace.

Jace shrugged, smiling at Casey. "Anywhere is fine with me, Casey,"

"Okay," Casey said, offering a smile back. "So Tim Horton's?"

Jace laughed, but nodded. "Yes, please,"


Casey pulled into the parking lot of Tim Horton's and got out. Jace got out of the car as well and they both walked inside.

Casey wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist, causing his boyfriend to blush. "What do you want, babe?" He asked.

Jace blushed more, looking up at the menu. "Uhm.. probably just.. a tea and a chocolate chip muffin please.." he said softly.

Casey smiled. "Okay,"

"What are you getting?" He asked, looking up at his tall punk boyfriend.

"Coffee," Casey said, looking down at Jace. "And maybe a bagel or something,"

The boys waited in line until it was their turn to order. Casey ordered what he wanted, then ordered what Jace wanted. He knew that Jace hated ordering. Casey paid for their stuff, despite his boyfriend's quiet protests. They got their stuff and sat down at a table right beside a window.

"Thank you," Jace said, opening up his muffin.

Casey smiled. "No problem,"

They ate their food, playing footsie underneath the table. It was mainly silent, other that the giggles that erupted from time to time from both boys. The breakfast ended fast than either boys would've liked; Jace had to be home before noon and it was already 11:23.

Casey drove his boyfriend home, and the couple said goodbye. Casey then drove home, and parked his car. He got out and went inside smiling when he was greeted by his younger brother.

"Casey!" Cameron exclaimed, running over to him. Cam hugged his older brother, smiling brightly.

"Heya," Casey said, hugging him back.

Cameron gasped. "How was your date?! Tell me everything that happened!"

Casey laughed, nodding. "Okay, okay,"

They walked to the living room and sat down, talking for what seemed like hours.



I'm going to be taking a break from Wattpad for a little bit. I have a lot going on in my life right now, and being on social media isn't one of my main priorities at the moment.

I might be able to get an update out; not promising anything though.

If I do get out an update, it would probably be for this book. I already have the next chapters planned out and I just have to write them, so I might be able to get one out soon.

Also, I don't know how many chapters of this book are left, but I think after this book I might do a Phan book. I have a couple ideas, but nothing is finalized yet.

Bye for now!

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