A Cliff

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I gazed around at the confused bunch of assassins, what was going on through their head I had no clue and no care for. They helped me come out, they scared my bear, they're gonna pay.


We all watched as this demon in control of Fred just gave a wicked smirk. Everyone looked at one another. Withing only moments there were flashed of shadows and people disappeared one by one. Only I and Puppet, who had fled, were left.

The wicked grin was still plastered on Fed's face. I still didn't have much heart to care, I just stood there, in the middle of the room, waiting for it to be my turn. But within only a moment the eyes turned back to the soft blue eyes of Fred's.

I heard a faint "sorry" part  from his soft lips before he ran off. He didn't have a car but I had multiple and he knew where my keys were. I ran after him.

I may not have heart but I'm still a swat member and this is not an assassination target, thus he matters to society.

By the time I was upstairs he was already pulling out of the drive way. I got my keys and ran to my bike. Getting on and getting it started up I took off after Fred. I was just barely able to catch sight of my car as he turned around the corner.

I sped up, trying to catch him. I got close before traffic got in the way.


I had been fighting the demon since I left, it keeps trying to get out but I can let it out, I don't want to hurt anyone else. Night was following me before traffic got in the way, good, he doesn't need to follow me.

I'm going to end it before things get worse.

After some time I made it to a cliff. It was beautiful, peaceful. It had a lovely view towering over the ocean. I got out to walk up to it, below the cliff was a rocky shore mostly covered by the ocean water.

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I bit my lip, ready to fall back when I heard a bike pull up. I open my eyes to see Nightmare running for me, the motorcycle on the ground still running as he ran to me.

I looked shocked as he ran. I look back over the cliff before looking back to Nightmare. I take a moment to think.


My eyes jolted open as I when to run.

Too late.

The cliff broke beneath me.

I slipped.


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