A Struggle for Safety

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I didn't hesitate for a second as I ran back to my bike. I pick it up and swing my legs over it as I ride off down the hill. I grab my phone, dialling the ambulance. " I NEED YOU HERE AT STAR LIGHT CLIFF AT THE BOTTOM ASAP!"

I drop my phone as I slide to a stop. I run over to Fred as my vision begins to get blury. I screamed out for him... no responce.

I reach the water. I rush to him as fast as I can with the water slowing me down. I tried to ignore the cold but it was hard to as my body started going numb.

The water got deeper and deeper. The part of the cliff Fred had fallen off was a little bit of a ways off shore. I began to swim. The water crashing agianst the rocks around me, breaking off small pieces that sunk to the bottom.

The water started getting worse. I struggled to swim as the cold had started causing my body to start shutting down. It was a struggle, but something I was willing to fight to save my golden bear.

It didnt take long before I reached Fred. The water around was completely black and was growing. I lean his head on my cheast as I attempt to swim us to shore.

The water kept getting worse. Almost kocking me against rocks as I tried to save Fred. This golden bear was gonna be the death of me one day. But ya know what? It's worth it.

As we got closer it got harder, finally...

My arms stopped. I couldn't move them...

The water came...

and all went black.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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