Chapter 8 Lunch Date

Start from the beginning

The minute Selene thought about leaving, she felt a little prick of pain in her heart. Selene placed her hand over her heart, ‘Damn imprinting pull is getting stronger.’ She thought.

Resigned to her fate, Selene turns off the engine, but she sat there for a bit longer. She took a deep breath and opened the door to her vehicle. She stepped out of the Range Rover and shut the door. Selene took off her sunglasses and made eye contact with Emmett. She watched in satisfaction as his breath hitched.

Selene confidently but cautiously made her way towards Emmett. Emmett walked down the steps in a daze as he stared at Selene. They walked towards each other and met halfway. Selene and Emmett stared at each other for a few seconds until Emmett came out of his daze. He cleared his throat then offered his hand, “Uh, hello, I'm Emmett Cullen.”

Selene looked at his hand then up at Emmett. She smiled at him and took his hand; Selene thought his hand was a lot colder than she was expecting but not unpleasantly so, “Hello, Emmett, I'm Selene Clearwater.”

Emmett noticed that Selene's hand is slightly calloused but still very dainty in his hand. Looking deep into her sea-green eyes, Emmett brought Selene's hand to his lips and kissed it. ‘Oh, he's good,’ Selene thought.

“It's nice to meet you again, Selene.”

“It's nice to meet you too, Emmett,” Selene responds sincerely but hesitantly.

Emmett's brow furrowed at Selene's hesitation, “Is something the matter, Selene?”

“To be honest, I'm a little uncomfortable being here.”

Emmett nods, “I can imagine that you are, but I want you to know that I'm not going to hurt you, and neither will my family.”

Selene eyed him suspiciously. Emmett laced his fingers with Selene's, “I promise, I could never hurt you, Selene.”

“Can you say the same thing about your wife?” Selene asked.

“You don't have to worry about my soon to be ex-wife. She won't do anything to you.”

“Uh-huh, you'll forgive me if I'm not entirely convinced about that. I'm stealing her mate; I'm sure she's a little pissed.”

“Rosalie is not my mate, Selene, she never was.”

“Oh, so that's the blonde bitch's name.”

Emmett smirked, “Yeah, it is, are you jealous, Selene?”

“I don't get jealous, Emmett, I have nothing to be jealous about.”

Emmett laughed, he loved how self-confident his mate was, but she wasn't arrogant about it. At hearing Emmett laugh, a shiver went through Selene, which annoyed the crap out of her. The longer she was there with him, the stronger the imprint pull was getting.

“Are we going to stand here all day, or are you going to invite me inside,” Selene asked.

Emmett smiled, “No, of course not; let's go inside.”

Emmett gently pulled Selene towards the house; they walked up the steps and entered the house. Instantly, Selene was assaulted by the smell of the other vampires. Emmett noticed Selene stiffen; he put his hands on her shoulders, “It's alright, Selene, nothing's going to happen.”

‘Right, they're not the type of monsters that I'm used to,’ Selene reminded herself.

Selene relaxed slightly, and Emmett led her towards the kitchen. They walked into the kitchen, where Esme was finishing up with lunch. Esme turned around when she heard Emmett and Selene enter the kitchen, she smiled at the young lady and offered her hand, “Hello, Selene, I'm Esme Cullen, Emmett's adoptive mother.”

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