Chapter 6- Take my hand

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Namjoon’s POV

I’m on my way now to my studio when I received a text from Jimin. For the first time in 2 months of hiding from us and not answering our calls, here is Jimin sent me a text.


---- Hyung, I’m sorry for shutting all of you out. I still can’t face all of you this time. I know you don’t have to do anything about it, but, I really can’t face any of you now. I still can’t. I hope you understand. And about the house, I told Hooseok hyung to call me if ever everything is settled and it is sold. Bye.

I really felt bad to Jimin. But Suga and Hooseok is right, he need space. He is broken into pieces and I know I can’t do anything to ease his pain. Maybe in time, Jimin will be back, to me, to us. The old happy little Jimin.

I stopped by to the coffee shop near the studio to buy a coffee. This is my favorite coffee shop because they serve a good taste of coffee, and this place, we build a lot of memories here with my boys. I just miss those time so much.

I entered the shop and took the first step inside when a lady bumped beside me. It seems like she is in hurry so she didn’t notice that someone is about to enter the shop with her. I followed her with my eyes trying to glance her face but I can’t see it.

She is busy talking to someone on the other line on her phone. I went close to the counter when they called my name. It seems like we got our order together at the same time. She ordered two coffees, it seems she was with someone. But I saw her alone the whole time. Maybe she’s up to somewhere.

As she turns around to leave after receiving the coffee, I looked at her face once again to check her face but the server called my name once again gaining my attention. I took my coffee and run immediately out of the coffee shop to approach the girl.

“Miss.” I run as I call her name. But it seems like I was too fast in my pace that when she turn around, I bump into her and make her coffee spilled on the floor.

“Oh my! I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to.”

“Gosh! What have you done? What do you want, Mister? Look what have you done.”

“I am so sorry. I just called you to give you this.” I hand her the wallet that she left in the counter.

“Oh? Thank you so much Mr?”

“Kim Namjoon.”

“Kim Namjoon? The one who composes songs for idols? Daebak!” she said with such an awe. I don’t know this girl but she amazes me. She should’ve act pissed because of me spilling the coffee but here she is looked so amazed seeing me. “Oh, I heard a lot of your songs. You really an amazing composer.”

“Thank you. But anyway, I am really sorry for your coffee. Don’t worry, I’ll buy you another one.”

“No Mr. Kim, it’s ok. I am in hurry anyway. Thank you for giving me my wallet.” She said smiling at me then turn her back ready to leave the place. “Nice to see you Mr. Kim. I’ll get going now. my friend is waiting for me now. Bye.” She waved her hand as a bid for goodbye. She really is different. Other people will get mad, shout, and make a scene if it happens to them but that girl, she is different. I’d like to see her some other time.

I look down to check the coffee that spilled on the floor and I saw a piece of paper. It seems like this came from the girl who just left. I pick the card from the floor and take a look in it and saw a name.

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