Does He Like Me?

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I walked into school with my phone in hand still looking at Natsumi's text. Even though Tadashi hadn't texted me and left me at the mall alone, I was glad that in a way he left me hanging. As I was walking to class, I ended up being ambushed by a pair of arms being placed over my torso as I was pulled into a hug.

"And what's got my little Hiro all excited?" The voice asked me.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Kaede smiling. I looked at my phone and quickly shut it and put it to my side.

"Uhh it wasn't anything I was just..."

"Oh c'mon you're not going to let me see it?"

After giving me her best sad face. I eventually cave in and let her see my phone. After she opens it and reads the text she smiles.

"And who exactly is Natsumi?"

"He's just some guy I met at the mall."

Kaede had a confused look on her face.

"I thought you were going to hang out with Tadashi that day?"

My face dropped down a bit.

"He never showed up in fact he didn't read my messages at all."

Kaede was about to close my phone when a text appeared. She checked it for me and smiled a bit.

"It's from Natsumi it's a picture text."

She handed me my phone and I was greeted by a picture of Natsumi in his school uniform with a bright smile on his face with a caption

"Can't wait to see you after school Hiro 😊."

My face immediately brightens up at least there was one person who was excited to see me.

"Hey Hiro." A voice called out and butterflies were in my stomach. I looked and Tadashi was walking towards me with Jiro behind him. He had a smile on his face

"Hey I've been looking for you listen I wanted to ask you something."

"Uhh yeah what is it?"

"Well I was wondering do you want to hang out again with me and Jiro. After all we haven't done it a lot."

My face went a little red but not with embarrassment it was anger. Why would he leave me at the mall and then want me to hang out with him and the guy I don't even like at all? Jiro looks at me with contempt it was obvious he doesn't want to be around me at all.

"Well actually..." As by a saving grace the bell rings and class is about to start.

"Sorry guys class is starting you can talk about this later."

Kaede says this as she grabs my hand and walks with me into the classroom. I wanted to tell him no but I couldn't bring myself too. Why?

"Thanks Kaede. I don't know why I couldn't say no."

"Hey that's what friends are for. But you know you've got to tell him about Natsumi or else you're leading them on. I'll be with you till after school that's when Natsumi's picking you up right? Afterwards if you run into Tadashi or Jiro you can tell them."

"You're right thanks Kaede." I smiled and held her hand.

For the whole day Kaede came up with excuses as to why I couldn't talk to Tadashi today I've never been much more grateful for a friend in my life. As quickly as the day began it ended soon afterwards. As we left I said goodbye to Kaede and waited at the gate. A hand was put on my shoulder and when I looked it was Tadashi without Jiro with him.

Why Can't We Be Together (A Big Hero 6 X Camp Buddy Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat