The Auditions

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I was sitting patiently in the music room as today was the day of the auditions but before they even began Miss Akiyama said that she had a surprise announcement for the show itself. Before she arrived, I was scrolling through my phone when I got a text. It was from Kaede.


"Hey Hiro. 💜"

I smiled a bit since it had been a while since we met up.

"Hey Kaede."

"So please refresh my memory. Today's the day of the auditions, right?"

"Yeah, that's right. Why do you ask?"

"No reason 😉"

"Okay weirdo. Miss Akiyama's almost here so I'll talk to you later."

I put my phone away as Miss Akiyama came in with some things including a sign in sheet.

"Okay well it's nice to see you all here today. As you all know today is the day of the auditions for our musical. Anyone and everyone is welcome to participate in any role. Now there's one thing I really wanted to address with you all."

Before she could continue, we all heard the door open, and we saw Tadashi there. He looked a bit out of breath like he had just run all the way over here. When I saw him, I got a bit worried.

"Sorry I'm late I didn't mean to..." He was catching his breath.

"No worries, Tadashi I was just making an announcement for today is all before we started. Anyways you can have a seat." Miss Akiyama told him.

He sat right next to me, And I grew a bit worried about him. It wasn't like him to be late so why today of all days?

"So, as I was saying A couple weeks back, I had an important announcement about some of the new changes for the show. So, for the auditions today we'll have both boys and girls try out for the role of Gabriella or Gabriel. So, if you want that specific role then let me know when it's your time. Okay with that out of the way let's begin the auditions. Here's the list of everyone going in order so whoever is first please meet me in the auditorium to begin your audition."

With that Miss Akiyama left for the auditorium as each of us checked the list for who would be auditioning in which order. I had some time to kill since most of the first half of the auditions would be done by the girls. Afterwards I was supposed to go and then Tadashi would be next after me. Which I'm glad about because now it means I have the chance to talk to him. I sat next to him as he had his head down on a desk.

"Hey Tadashi?"

He looked up at me.

"What's up Hiro?"

"I was wondering... How come you arrived late? And why are you so exhausted?"

"It's a private thing Don't worry."

"But I am worried about you Tadashi It's not like you to almost miss out on something so important."

He lifted his head from his desk and looked at me.

"There are some things that are going on in my life that I just don't want to burden you with."

I felt a bit dejected because I thought we had been growing closer as friends but... Can he even trust me?

"Yeah, okay I understand." I looked down at the floor. Before long I felt a hand on my head, and I looked at Tadashi who was patting my head with a smile on his face.

"I promise Hiro I'm okay. It's not that I don't trust you It's just that... I'm just not ready to tell you yet but I promise I will sometime, okay?"

I smiled back at him.

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