"We'll be fine here, I'll get the girls settled in." Lee reassured me.

"Ames..." I said as I looked at her. She smiled at me as she was being carried by Lee. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" I asked. She nodded with that sweet smile still on her face.

"I'll be fine, with Lee, Em, and Citrine here I'll get better soon." Her voice so soft and sweet. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Alright then Blue boy.. Let's go to this palace of yours." I said as I turned back to him. He grinned and led the way back out of the Bunker, and out of the little hut.

Once we got outside the two guards from before were standing by a horse... now when I say horse I mean I didn't know another word for it. It was an animal that was bigger than a horse, it's face was a bit more round and well... it looked cute. Long main and tail as well that were braided up and out of the way.

"Come on." Blue boy said as he climbed onto it with ease. One of the guards crouched down and clasped his hands together as to offer me a lift up. I sighed and looked up at Blue boy who nodded with that damn adorable boxy smile. He really needed to stop looking at me like that. I was hoisted up to blue boy who helped me swing one leg over the giant steed and sit in front of him with the knob thing from the saddle situated right between my thighs. It wasn't completely uncomfortable, just awkward as fuck.

I leaned back a bit and realized Taehyung was right up against me. His thighs against me, our legs brushing against one another. He reached one hand over to take hold of the reigns and the other he snaked around me as he gripped onto the knob thing. I sat there in shock for a moment that this frosty mother fucker would be fresh like this.

"You ready?" He asked, his voice smooth and low so low it was like he was whispering in my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and I had to breath in deep and release slowly while trying to focus on anything but how warm his body felt against mine and how my body wanted to react.

"Yeah, I need to see Pearl and the others like.. now." I said and he jerked forward, his hips thrusting against me from behind. I closed my eyes and held onto the lip of the saddle. The horse thing was fast.. I mean really fucking fast. The loose ends of my hair that were not tied back into my little ponytail were whipping back away from my face.

"Enjoying the speed?" He asked, his lips close enough to my ear so I could hear him. His warm breath sent tingles through me. Shit... I couldn't lose focus, not now.

"It's okay!" I yelled back hoping he could hear me over the wind as we raced down a dirt path.

"Haha, Just okay? We can do better than that I think. Um, you might want to hold on a little tighter." He said softly against my ear. I shuttered a bit and I thought I heard him groan a bit but then I was jolted forward as he leaned into me from behind. The horse thing was going even faster. I tried to see the things we were running past but everything was a blur. Taehyung's hand that held the reigns moved from the side of my thigh to in front of me. He rested that hand against my lower abdomen while his other hand still had a firm grip on the knob thing that was now pressing against the crotch of my snow pants. I was glad that thanks to the layers I still had on I couldn't feel all that much, but there was a slight pressure against my crotch once we got into this faster run.

I don't know how long we ran for but it felt like it had been a while. We slowed near some old looking windmill that seemed to be attached to some place that had a very yummy smell coming from it. I admit I was quite hungry and could have used a good meal. My only issue was that this place looked like it was from the old times... we're talking like in old story books. Once we came to a halt Blue boy hopped down off the horse first then helped me down, holding onto me a little longer than I was able to withstand.

Dragon Kings: The Icy King✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin