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Arthit POV

I've grew way too much jealousy over daddy kong. I have to stand by and watch almost every woman and some men trying to flirt with him or throw themselves at the man. The most worst thing is I have to pretend that I'm okay with all that. I don't want to be the super jealous boyfriend. But I'm not sure why is he even allowing them to do so. I mean, previously he was single so it's okay but now he have me.

If this keeps on going I have to be selfish this time around. I want to keep daddy all to myself but at the same time I don't want to force him. I'm having insecurities over him now and I'm afraid I'll end up making him hate me. That's the last thing I want. I'm so torn between being selfish or doing the right thing.

This really driving me crazy, I have to stop overthinking. Another thing that's bothering me much now is Kao. That boy haven't contacted me for a week now. My call and messages are not getting through. I called his school to enquire, but they explained to me that they aren't allowed to let out information due to security reasons. I can't help but worry about him.

All I want right now is to be sure that he's safe and sound. He's alone there without anyone so I'm scared that he'll be manipulated or worst ditched into unwanted pit.


The morning sun was torching on my face, I tried my best to open my eyes slowly. This humongous bed feel so cold and empty. Daddy left for a meeting in France. He'll be away for a week. But thinking back about what happened last night, I couldn't stop blushing. I'm grateful to be his lover. Especially the sex is good!

Hissing slowly I woke up and tried to make my way to the bathroom. I could really use a nice long and relaxing bath. That's when my eyes landed on few things on the bedside table. It was pills and a glass of water with a note.

Baby boy, make sure to take this painkillers and eat your food in time. I've already informed May. I also prepared a bath bomb and clean towels so take a nice bath. Please take care of yourself. Can't wait to come back to you.


Well that's a gentleman for you. I just love him more now. I walked into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with hot water and slowly slid into the hot bath. A pleasures groan left me when I could feel my muscles relaxing and I'm loving the rose scent from this bath bomb.

Once done with my breakfast come lunch I tried to find for New but failed. That's when May told me that Tay brought New out on a date. Those two are progressing really well. I'm super bored, it's already evening and no one is here to entertain me. So I just decided to take stroll in the nearby park.

There so little children in the park today. I wonder where is everyone. My legs are a little tired from all the walking I did. So I decided to rest in a bench nearby a huge tree. I closed my eyes and take a deep breath.

I woke up in a bedroom. Wait! I don't even remember sleeping in the first place. Even if Tay or New brought me home, this was a totally different room with a strange man staring at me like a creep.

"You're finally home to where you belong my dear Arthit. You have no idea how much I missed you."

The man said as he moved closer and pat my head.

"W- who are y-you and where a-am I?"


Sorry for this short one guys. I'm trying to get back into this story. I just don't want to make it way too dark.

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