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Warning: Explicit scenes, abuse reference

Happy reading


Kongpob's POV

It can't be true! This is insane!

Eva would never do anything like that. She is the sweetest and most loyal person that you could ever meet. New and Kao couldn't even hurt a fly out of anger if they tried. Those three couldn't and wouldn't hurt anyone or anything.

But it's not only Tay, Arthit claims the same. His eyes, those big round brown orbs, they could never lie. When he told me he was the proof I couldn't even bring my gaze away from his eyes. I don't know why I left without a word. Maybe I was scared to know the truth. Or maybe I was scared to sink way deep in those eyes of him.

I can't do this! I promised him a home! I don't want him to be like me. A lonely orphan.

Pulling up to my house I took a deep breath and slowly got out of the car. I'll talk to my staff first then check the security footage to see if what they say is true or not.

"May I need to talk to you about something. I came to you first because I know that you won't lie to me. You never have and I doubt that you ever will."

I told May once I found her in the dining room.

"What would you like to talk to me about Kongpob?"

May asked me as she sat down in one of the chairs surrounding the dining table.

"What are Eva and her children like when I'm not here, and please do not sugar coat anything for me?"

I asked May as I sat down next to her.

"I see, so the spell eventually worn off. I thought you would never make out of it."

"What do you mean May?"

"That woman is the devils whore. The moment she moved in here she was threatening to fire everyone if they didn't do as she said, and a lot of your staff need their jobs. And don't even get me started on the bitch's children! They are just plain evil, little monsters. The things those three did to Arthit are horrible. They would starve him for days until he passed out from lack of food and water then force feed him food until he threw it all up. They would lock him in closets that were so small that he could barely move and the only way he could use the bathroom is if he pissed and shit himself and if he did that then those three monsters would humiliate Arthit by making him walk around in his own filth. Poor boy, I washed him few times and he would curl up into my brace. That bitch even drugged him and locked him in few times and wouldn't let me go near him. That bitch's devil spawn would beat him so bad that Arthit would have to be put in the hospital for days at a time. Since those three have come here they have sent Arthit to the hospital a total of four times. And over thirty of his bones have been broken either by your bitch of a girlfriend and her children. Oh don't give me that look Kongpob, you wanted the truth and I've given it to you. I felt useless because I couldn't do much for him. After all I'm merely a low and old maid. I've had enough of this nonsense and couldn't reach you at all. That's why I seek the help of Tay. Even though I didn't tell him the whole thing, he knew enough. I trusted him more than you if you wanted to know. If you still don't believe me talk to the rest of your staff they will tell you the same thing that I did, and while you're at it check the damn security videos."

May huffed out at me before storming out of the room in barely controlled rage. After I was done talking to May I went around and talked with the rest of my staff. May was right, they told me the same thing that she had told me.

|| ✔️ || Daddy Kong  || M-preg ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang