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Enjoy The Ride 📖

Arthit POV

Since Mr manager got to know I found out his secret, he had stopped nagging and pulling pranks on me.
I was very much satisfied because that was the key to my peaceful life nowadays.

I would use it to threaten him whenever I could if he dared to step on my wrong side.
But somehow my life have became so dull and less interesting after he stopped doing all that.

I started wondering why I missed the old time so much.
But I felt like that just for a while because I got more busier when my manager finally got appointed as CEO.

He chooses me as his secretary, so you can guess how busy my life became with a lot of things I needed to do and prepare for my boss.
As if that wasn't bad enough for me my ex came back and the brat had been stalking me for a long time already.

The other day, he finally decided to approach me directly.
For some months now I felt like I was been watched by someone every time I was going home after work and I was so scared but it turned out to be that idiot.

You might wonder how I know this but he told me himself, he has been stalking me.
Then he started apologising to me for what he did in the past.

As you can see this brat cheated on me when all I have ever done was to love him.
And when I caught him, he told me nonchalantly that he was tired of our relationship and wanted to live something new with the guy he was on the bed with at the time.

You can imagine how hurt I was at that time but I was even more embarrassed.
Not only I caught my boyfriend cheating but he also didn't even try to make me understand what was going on and just told me off he wanted to break up.

I cried a lot that day and then I decided to forgot about him and moved on because he wasn't worth my time and I'm sure I deserve more better than that.

Now that I don't need him anymore, he come back to ask me for another chance.
Do you really think this kind of brat deserve a second chance?
For me it's definitely 'no' because I don't really know what I loved so much about him anyways.


"Sorry Mike, we can't date because I don't love you anymore" I told him nonchalantly.

"Why Oon? Why can't we go back together, huh? I am sure we can talk it out please" he continued begging me but that was irritating me.

"But I don't want to talk or even think about it because I don't feel anything for you" I said irritated.

"As far as I have observed, you don't have a boyfriend yet and I take it as I still have a chance with you" he said grinning and that freaked me out.
Sometimes, he behaved just like a bipolar that I wondered if he was really sane.

"Just leave me the fuck alone ok! I have a boyfriend so now you can stop all you are planning to do" I snapped at him but the guy wasn't even bothered by it.

"You can't fool me baby, I have been stalking you for a while now and I know you don't have anyone, even on your social media you always post your pictures alone, I don't see any other man around you so stop lying" he finished with a grin still plastered on his face.
Did I ever told you that I feel like strangling him?
The guy is really dense I wonder how I never noticed it before.

"Just leave me alone you fucking bastard" I snapped at him again for the second time.
All this while he was holding my wrist tightly and wouldn't let go

"Oh baby I know you love me a lot but you don't need to show me how angry you are at me now, I will definitely win back your heart and just expect me anytime from now on" He said and winked his eyes my way and I just stood there speechless thinking of ways to get rid of him.

"What if I really have a boyfriend? Will you let me go and stop disturbing my life?" I asked him directly without butting around the bush.

"If you really do have a boyfriend I will stop everything and won't show my face to you again" for a moment he sounded so serious that I almost jumped out of joy but his next word spoiled my mood once again

"But I know you definitely don't have one so there is no bargain to do and I will go on as planned haha 😜" he finished and started laughing like a lunatic.
I couldn't help but just sigh helplessly because we would just remain there if I didn't agree so I better play this game.

"Okay now you can let go of my hands as I'm running late for work" I was so much pissed and I knew my mood was already spoiled for the day.

He finally let go of my wrist chuckling and wanting to kiss my cheeks but I immediately stopped him and continued with his game.

"No! You can't kiss me yet or any form of intimacy until you gain back my trust again but if you cross the line I will cancel all this agreement. So you choose" I smirked at Mike.
He want to play this game right we will play it.

"Okay! No problem, I'm sure you will be mine again soon, so I can endure it" he flashed me a smile but I faked mine and rolled my eyes at him 🙄🙄 'what a moron' I thought.

I told him I needed to go now so I left him there while he was busy shouting how much he loves me and I felt so embarrassed and uncomfortable with all the prying eyes looking at me.

Flashback End


How did you find Mike, Arthit ex boyfriend?
Do you think he is annoying or ...?
What do you think will happen next?
Who feel sorry for poor Arthit?

This the end for this chapter.
Hope you enjoy reading it.
Vote and comment to encourage my effort please
Bye 😘😘

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