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Enjoy The Ride 📖

Kongpop POV

My name is Kongpop Suthiluck, 25 years old this year and I'm very handsome.
I am not boasting or anything because it is a clear fact, I'm so hot that nobody can resist me and I don't need anyone else to confirm it to me.

I'm also not an arrogant jerk as some may think, I just have a lot of confidence in myself and that is all.
You probably wonder why I like playing around with girls, to be serious with you guys I'm also not sure why but it is just kind of fun.

I have never fell in love with anyone as far as I remember and I really don't know if I ever will.
Why should I bother myself loving someone when I know all they want is to have fun, either interested in my money or just like me for my look?

I get all the love I need from my family already, what else can I ask for, nothing really as I'm satisfied with what I have.
Yeah I have the most lovely family in the world which consist of my father, mother and sister who I love a lot.

Actually my biological mother died when giving birth to me due to complications.
My father then got remarried to my current mother and she is the one that have been taking care of me since then.
She love me just like her own son and I adore her too, though my younger sister is my favourite 😜.

So as you can see I don't care if those girls I hook up with really love me.
Most of them are just golddiggers who spend their time pretending they love me just to get in my pants and get my money.

Since that is what they look for, I give it to them and in return I enjoy myself too.
That is a win-win situation since I don't want to be committed to anyone just yet.

When I finished high school, my father sent me abroad to continue my studies.
I then studied engineering both for my Bachelor and Master Degree so I could take over my father's duties in the future.

When I came back after graduating from abroad, my father had already planned everything and was ready to present me as the new CEO of SK Company.
But I had other plans and I really wanted to achieve it before I get to take the position.

I asked him to give me one year maximum to work as a team manager so I can learn more about our company.
Also interact with most of the workers, get to know them and the difficulties they face every single day while doing their jobs.

So when I become CEO, I will have a lot of idea in handling most of the things concerning the company without disappointing any of our workers and support them as much as I can.

I admit I'm overconfident and a playboy, but I always play fair with everyone.
I know I may not be the best but I don't like seeing other people being picked on or abused.

I wanted to work with everyone because I believe all of them are like my family and without them the company will not be this successful as it's all the result of their hard work.

My father was okay with my proposition and found it to be a perfect one.
So he made up his mind to keep working as CEO for one more year and after that, he will retire to spend his time with his wife.

I became very busy when I started working and me going back home every day after work didn't make it easier because it was far from the office.
So I thought it was better to look for apartments near the office to reduce my tiredness.

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