Chapter 15

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"Where are you guys taking me?" I asked Harry and Eleanor giggling.

"Sh! Just wait!" Eleanor laughed.

“Don’t push me! I’m eight and three quarters months pregnant and I have two babies pounding down on my uterus whenever I stand so stop!” I yelled and Harry pushing me while he laughed.

“You’re so cute Aurora.”

"You're so hot Harry." He grinned at me. "Whoa there go the babies kicking."

"You alright babe?" Harry asked concerned?

“Yeah, I’ll be okay. You’re lucky you don’t have to go throw this pain Harry.”

“Hey! I had to go through it!” Eleanor whined.

“You don’t have to anymore!”

“What if I want to have another child, yeah? I got to go throw the pain all over again.”

“Well at least you don’t have to go through twins inside of you! Trust me Eleanor, it is not pleasant at all.”

“I could imagine.”

    Nothing was more painful than having a melon being pressed down on your uterus inside of you. The fact that there were two melons doing this made it even worse.

“So wait where are you talking?”

Before I could even get an answer, I saw all my friends and my family in the backyard.


“Oh my god, you almost scared the babies out of me!” Everyone laughed, including Harry.

“Harry, I told you I didn’t want to have a baby shower.”

“You also didn’t want a big birthday dinner, or a bridal shower, or a  big wedding. Whoops!” he smirked at me.

“”Don’t try to act cute with me Styles.”

“Hey I got you pregnant.”


“Just wanted to remind you.” He smiled.

“Okay then. I’m kind of already reminded every second of the day so…” He started laughing.

“I just can’t wait until those cuties pop out.”

“You just want to have sex again. You’re disgusting!”

“But you love having sex with me.”

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t okay shut up.”

“Ah! Got you!” He laughed.

“Shut up.” I threw a ball at him. He pouted.

“You’re mean!” He started to fake cry.

“I know I am.” I winked.

“You are so lucky you’re pregnant you have no idea.”

“I am lucky that I’m pregnant and I’m going to have babies and stuff.” I grinned.

“Okay now you’re just being a smart ass.”

“Harry I hope you know that everyone is quiet looking at us like we’re freaks.”

“Oh god! Hi everyone! Thank you all for coming, it means a lot to me and Aurora.”

“And…?” I smirked.

“And the babies of course. They will be here to join us soon! We both love the two very much, and I just can’t wait to be a father.” I saw a tear roll down Harry cheek.

I Didn't Expect to Fall so Hard (One Direction/Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now