Chapter 8

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 "Isn't Emilia that cousin of yours you told me about who is absolutely crazy about me?" I asked in suspicion.

"Yes my goodness. She probably found out about us and wants me dead and gone now." 

"Oh god. Want me to tell anyone?"

"No, Harry. Please don't. I don't want to make a big deal out of nothing."

"Nothing..? NOTHING? She almost bloody killed you Aurora!"

"Please Harry. Please. I don't want to do anything."

"Well okay."

        Has Aurora gone mad? Why wouldn’t she want to tell that Emilia put bleach into her drink? She could have been dead! Thank god she called me. Well, I promise that I will not tell anyone if it makes her happy even though if I was her, I would make sure that girl was locked in a cell for ages. It was almost March. March seventeenth is Aurora's birthday. I'll plan a nice date for Aurora and I. 


      It kind of hurts to know that my cousin wants me dead. I love her so much. I can't believe her right now. Is she that immature to put bleach in my drink? I really couldn't believe her. I was still confused about a lot of things. 


    I ran to my room crying my eyes out. I sat on the bed only wanting to cry. Was it true? Did my mom really have drugs in this house? Why am I even questioning that? Of course she did! If she didn't, then the police wouldn't have found anything. My mom is in a jail cell, my dad is dead, I have no siblings, I have no family around, I only have one or two good friends, what will I do with myself? Oh god. Everyone is going to find out about this and everyone will be talking about it and think I'm all drugged up. This isn't good. I love my mother with all my heart, but after this I just don't know if the word "love" is the term to use right now. All I can think about is mommy. Mommy does drugs. My mommy had drugs in the house. Mommy is in jail. I would've never thought I’d come to the day where my mom would be in jail. She is such a sweet woman who wouldn't do anything like that. I guess I underestimated myself. 


    I'll be staying at my friend’s house for the next couple of days. I wonder what ever happened to poor Aurora. Hopefully she's dead right now. That shallow b*tch. Why does she have to have Harry? I deserve him for god sakes. She should just get out of here.

Authors note:

Gah, short chapter! I promise you, next chapter will be long!

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