Chapter 12

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"Aurora! What just happened?" I asked her looking at the weak body on the ground.

"Harry, Emilia shot herself. Call the police, anyone! Just help! We need to help her now!"

   I quickly ran to get the phone. Aurora was crying bullets as I was nervous. I started crying too. I was terrified actually. The police soon came with an ambulance. We watched her get carried away. I felt so bad. Aurora was torn apart. I hugged her and told her everything would be okay.

"Would someone explain what has happened?" A cop asked us.

Aurora began to speak.

"The doorbell rang and I opened it. She said, 'Guess who's back?' and she just shot herself. She has been trying to kill me for the past seven years, so I thought she was going to shoot me when I saw the gun. I need to call her mother. I'll be back."

It looked like Aurora was going to throw up. She probably was.

    A couple of minutes later, Aurora came back. She called her aunt and was crying more than ever. They took Emilia away and I held Aurora while she cried. We were going to go to the hospital and meet up with Emilia's mom. I feel absolutely terrible for the mother. Her only child is in critical condition and could be dying. I wonder how my mom would feel if Gemma was the only child, on the verge of dying. I started to cry at the thought of this, since I hate seeing my mother upset.  I wonder, why would Emilia shoot herself? From my knowledge I would think she would shoot Aurora because of me. That sickened me. Was she hiding something?


     I tried to comfort my aunt while she cried hysterically over her daughter. I started crying more when I thought of how I would feel if my only child was in this condition. My aunt has told me lately that Emilia has been acting strange, but to the point she would shoot herself? I don't know why she would ever. When I saw her at the door, I was sure that she would shoot me. After all, I am marrying Harry and I knew how much she loved him. This was so crazy. I still don't understand what's going on. I feel like I'm in one of those soap operas. Is this a dream? I just don't know. The doctor came out with his head down and mask off.

"I'm sorry to say miss, but your daughter shot herself straight in the heart. There is nothing we can do. We have no organ donors around."

    My aunt started crying again. Harry came and sat next to her as we both tried to calm her down. Well, she does have a pretty big reason not to be calm. I felt so bad. I miss my cousin. She may not have liked me, but I still loved her. I really need to know what Emilia had been doing that caused her to shot herself. This is absolutely terrible. I honestly don't know how my aunt will survive. She isn't married, her daughter just died, I mean what will she do now? She can come over to our house to spend some time. I'll talk to Harry about that.

     Spending all that time in the hospital depressed me. I shouldn't be happy that my cousin is dead and she got to feel what I felt with my near death experiences that she caused. I felt completely terrible. I lost someone in my family. I lost someone who taught me to be careful with people in life. I lost someone who my aunt loves and now I have to see her hurting. I lost someone. I'm destroyed. I hate when things like this happen. Emilia didn't deserve this, no one deserves this.



     She's gone. She has been buried with a stone above her grave. Do I miss my cousin, yes. I do feel more safe now that she is gone. I don't have to worry about being killed   My aunt is still crying day after day. Harry and I invited her to stay for as long as she needed until she would fully recover. She accepted and joined us. It hurt me to see my aunt like this.

     After about a month, my aunt went back to her apartment in London and we told her that she could stop by whenever she wanted and that we would visit. I owe a lot to her. She is getting through the death of her daughter, she helped us with the wedding, I have my dress, Harry is set, and next month is the wedding! I love my aunt, but I don't want her to come to the wedding. It won’t be even two months after her daughter has passed. I really hope she will be okay. I love her more than anything.

Author's note:

Sorry for a short chapter! Ah! Well, I hope you all enjoy. :]

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