Chapter 10

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"Harry! Where are you talking me?" Aurora asked while laughing. Her laugh always made me smile. 

"You'll see babe!" We got into the car as I drove to the place we met. We got out of the car and she started to tear up. 

"Do you remember this place babe?"

"I-it's where we met." I smiled at her as we started walking to the park across the street. Was I ready to do this? Of course I was. I love her.


    We were here! The place we met. It felt amazing to stand here again. I keep thinking about Emilia. I feel like she is haunting me..


"Harry! We need to leave right now!"

   It was July twenty first, two thousand and thirteen. We had a huge party to go to. We were at my aunt's apartment getting ready. My aunt was out somewhere and the sweetheart Emilia was in her room I heard someone walk from behind me. I looked in the mirror and saw Emilia holding a knife. I turned around as soon as I could, but she quickly dug the knife into my thigh. I screamed loudly as she ran out and I fell on the floor. All the blood was leaving my body. I felt like I was going to pass out. Harry ran out of the bathroom.

"AURORA! What happened?!"

"Just help me Harry. I managed to get out. He called 999 which was the emergency number in the UK. Soon after, the ambulance came. He stayed with me in the ambulance all the way to the hospital. I had an oxygen mask on and I was passing out. I could not believe she actually tried again I just don't know what to do at this point. Maybe I should kill myself so then all of this could finally stop. She can have Harry and she will be happy and yay. I just want this to stop. If I don't die from this, who knows what she will do next. 

      Did this really have to happen again? What was I going to tell Harry? I don't want to rat out Emilia. Oh goodness what do I do?


     I woke up seeing the boys and my aunt on by my side. I had a scar on my leg and I couldn't remember much. 

"Harry, what happened and why does my leg hurt?"

"Apparently you got stabbed in the leg by someone." That's when I remembered. Seeing Emilia through the mirror holding a knife like a horror movie. The pain. The blood. 

"Liam has your type blood and you needed some blood." Liam showed me his arm while I pulled him toward me. I started to cry in his arms and kept thanking him. I don’t know what I would do without him. He was my best friend. Harry asked the others to leave the room.

“Aurora, who in bloody hell stabbed you?”

“It was Emilia again.”

“Aurora you need to tell someone what’s happening so this can stop.”

“Harry, I don’t want to rat her out.”

“Aurora, you need to.”

“Harry, I can’t do that. She’s my cousin.”

“Exactly. She’s you’re cousin and she decides to try and kill you.”

“I don’t want to do this again Harry. Please just stop. What did the nurse say?”

I Didn't Expect to Fall so Hard (One Direction/Harry Styles fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now