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I marched through the hallway, pissed at everyone. I couldn't find Zeus, Eros, Artemis, or even Njord, and Psyche had sent me to go deal with our surprise guest.

"Go greet him," she'd said, "Don't kill him," she'd said. I wanted to burn her smug little face off.

I walked into the courtyard to greet a tall, brown-haired man in his late twenties. He had a pleasantly pretty face and soft brown eyes.

"Hello and welcome to Aðal castle, my name is Shea," I said warmly in common, shaking his hand.

"Pharaoh Augustine," he said, nodding. he had a slight Marshlander sounding accent.

"What brings you here?" I asked politely. I hate having to pretend to like people, it's needlessly exhausting.

"I have some business to discuss with your..." He gave me a wary look, "Higher uppers?"

I frowned even though I was supposed to be acting pleasant.

"Yes, which one exactly?"

Pharaoh furrowed his eyebrows.

"I never got the first name, but he's a large guy with lots of wild red hair. Herra Mjolnir?"

I snorted, and Pharaoh stared at me, confused. I quickly regained my composure and plastered a smile across my face.

"Of course, right this way Herra Augustine."

"Please, call me Pharaoh," he said, following me into the castle.

"Pharaoh, that's a very interesting name."

"So I've heard." I bet. Who names their kid Pharaoh?

"Anyway, what business do you need to discuss with Herra Mjolnir? Is it urgent, or can it wait a day or two?" I asked. I had a sneaking suspicion that "Herra Mjolnir" wouldn't be readily available.

"If I have to I can wait, but I shouldn't stay any longer than a week," Pharaoh answered.

"Of course, and will you have any aids joining you?"

"Yes, two. They'll be coming fairly soon."

I stopped outside Kaleb's room/office. "Wait right here, I'll check if Herra Mjolnir is available," I said before slipping inside.

Kaleb was sitting on a couch, shirtless, with a half-dressed Psyche on his arm. He quickly stood, scowling at me. He opened his mouth to say something but I quickly cut him off.

"There is a man by the name of Pharaoh Augustine asking to speak with a man going by "Herra Mjolnir", do you know him?"

"Yes, but he's currently out, Herra Augustine shall have to wait a few days. Next time Putain de knock," he growled, grabbing my arm and stirring me back towards the door.

"I'll get him a room then. I now understand why you wanted me to deal with him," I said glaring at Psyche.

"Check your rooms when you're done dealing with Pharaoh. Now get out," Kaleb said.

"Yeah, yeah, have fun turtildúfur," I shut the door firmly behind me and turned back to Herra Augustine. "I'm sorry, but you've just missed him. But the least we can do is offer you a room to stay in as you wait so you don't have to travel so much," I told him sweetly.

He nodded. "That would be great, thank you."

After I'd finally finished showing Pharaoh his room, I sent a messenger to his house, telling his staff about the change in plans. I finished with that and went back to my room. On the dresser was a stack of papers. I walked over to them and picked the top one up. It was a wanted poster for: "Amond Tyler, Marshlander spy. reward 100 gold." It was from a few years ago. Amond was a tall, muscular young Marshlander man with a big smile. He almost looked innocent. So these were the Freeland rebels. Next was a young man with ghostly pale blue eyes and scarred neck named List Ryder, child of the late Hestia. He had her sharp angular face and thick dark hair, that's for sure.

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