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    "So you killed him because he knew your name? You didn't even think about asking him how he knew you, nope, you went straight for murder," Amond said, putting his head in his hands.

    'Naturally,' List signed, rolling his ghostly eyes.

    "Actually yes. It's my instinct to kill first and ask questions later," I said.

    "What if he was a good guy?!"

    "Then would he have tried to kill me?"

Amond and List had spent the past day judging my choices regarding the hooded man. As if they would've handled the situation any better.

    "Are we done? What's happened has happened, there's nothing we can do about it now."

Amond glared at me. "Fine, but next time that happens, maybe capture him so we can get some answers before you slit his throat."


    'Now what? Are we still trying to find whatever we're here for?' List signed tiredly, his gloved fingers lazily forming the signs.

    "I am tempted to just go back to Eros and tell him to go find this guy by himself. The prick probably made this guy up just to mess with us," Amond said.

    "I doubt Clyde would like that. If we returned and said 'screw it'," I said, frustrated.

    "Screw Clyde! If we can't find him, we can't find him. There's nothing we can do about it. I don't want to have to go to The Crooked Islands for nothing!" Amond slammed his fist onto the table.

    "I'd be careful if I were you, we are in a tavern, anyone could overhear," a hooded man said, as he slid into the seat next to me.

    "Who are y-" Amond started, but then froze. His mouth fell open.

It couldn't be. How..? "How are you still alive, I slit your throat," I said, struggling to keep my voice even.

    "I guess you're not as good as you think, now, who is this man Eros has sent you to find," the man said, sliding his arm over the back of our bench, brushing the back of my shoulders. A shiver went down my spine.

    "You know what, I take back what I said earlier, this guy is annoying, and we should just kill him," Amond said, pulling a dagger out of its sheath.

    "That was a quick change of heart. Besides, if she couldn't even kill me, what makes you think you can?" The man said, jerking a gloved finger in my direction.

He was too close to me, I didn't like it. I could smell his stench of sweat and blood. I forced myself to swallow the growing fear rising in my throat and keep a neutral face.

    "I'll have help," Amond shot back, leaning across the table.

    "Still," the man said, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs, "I wouldn't try to kill me quite yet."

    'And why is that, wise guy?' List signed.

    "I'm very good at finding people."

He knew how to read signs too. He certainly knew how to unsettle you. His cloak completely hid his face and he knew just enough to put us on guard. He knew how to play his cards. He was subtly threatening us. I was almost impressed.

"Who are you? How do you know Eros?" I asked, sharply.

    "How many times are you going to ask that? I'd like to know how many times I'm going to have to say, call me whatever you want. Also, honey, Eros is a god, how could I not know him? They are the ones behind everything after all."

    "So if I wanted, I could call you Prick?" Amond snarled.

    "If you wish. I don't care," the man said, chuckling.

He had some charisma, I'd given him that. He wasn't as brash as most crimimals. He was confusing. Threatening and inviting at the same time. Who was this guy? And why did he want to help us so bad?

    "Now, shall I lend you my services or will you reject me again," he said, feigning hurt.

    'Why do you want to help us? You seem very adamant about it,' List asked.

    "Is it always questions with you people? It's constantly why this and who that, it really can tire out a guy," he said, sighing.

    "Just answer the damn question," Amond snapped.

    "Okay, jeez. Truth be told, I kinda like you guys." He leaned forward, clasping his hands in his lap. I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was smiling under that blasted hood.

    "I don't trust him," Amond said bluntly.

    "You don't have to. But a shifter like you needs to be careful. Kane was killed just last night, they say by hand as well," he said.

    "You know Kane?" Amond said, leaning forward, something like panic in his eyes.

    "The right word is "Knew" because, as I said, she's dead now."

    "You're lying," Amond growled.

    "Now why would I do that?"

Amond stood up abruptly and stomped out of the tavern. List looked ready to go chase him down, but I shook my head. Let him cool off.

We lost another one. I closed my eyes as a brief moment of silence for our fallen sister.

So. The man knew we were rebels. He either knew some rebels or was in league with Baran's people. Either way, we couldn't let walk free. He knew to much already. If he talked to the wrong person our whole operation could be compromised.

    "Fine, we'll let you help us," I finally said.

    "Finally." He rubbed his gloved hands together. Did he ever stop moving?

    "But if we do, you will have to agree to our terms," I continued.

    "Of course, very wise," the man said, nodding.

I got the sense that he was making fun of me, but I just ignored it. The sooner he told us where to go, the sooner we could go home.

     "If you make one wrong move, or you something I don't like, I will kill you, and this time you'll stay dead. We are in charge, you're just the hired help." I stood. "Now shall we go find the infamous Chester?"

The man stood. "Lucky for you," he said slowly, "I know just where to find him."

    "Good," I said and walked out of the tavern.

It was almost over. Almost. Or so I thought.

Goddess Of Ashes and SunTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon