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"I'm guessing you've been here many times before," I said, looking around in awe at the beautiful city with its tall homes of stone and wood, and bustling cobblestone streets. Venders screamed their prices at anyone and everyone who could hear. Fine ladies and gentlemen strolled down the street, casting me and August looks of disdain. You wouldn't think war was underway by the looks of this city.

"Yes, many many times," August said.

"Where are we going?"

"To my friend's place till we're ready to storm the castle."

"You have friends? Can we trust them?"

"Would we be going there if we couldn't?" he snapped.

"Good point. Sorry, Auggie, I'm not at my best right now," I said tiredly, leaning on him slightly as we stopped to wait for a cart to trudge by. To my surprise, he didn't try to shove me off.

We quickly crossed the street and stopped outside a decent looking two-story house. August banged on the door.

A strong male voice answered almost immediately:

"Who is it?!"

"It's me, open up!" August called back, his voice cracking.

"That was painful to listen to," I whispered.

"Shut it, Titus, I'm busy currently," he hissed back as the door opened.

"Come on in," the voice said from inside.

As we entered we were hit with a blast of scented warm air. Inside was dimly lit and smelled of... Cinnamon cake? Weird, but pleasant.

August's friend was a tall man with a good amount of muscle, medium brown hair and inviting brown eyes. He had smooth light brown skin and a quick smile. His face was pleasantly pretty, his nose perfectly centred and thin, and he had the perfect amount of scruff for his face shape.

"Who is this?" he asked.

"This is Titus Woods, she's friendly," August answered.

"And what has Titus been calling you?" The man asked, looking me up and down.

"August. They've been calling me August," he said slowly, sounding slightly uncomfortable.

The man raised his eyebrows

"And who are you?" I asked, stepping closer to the pretty man.

"Pharaoh. My name is Pharaoh Augustine," he answered, smiling and sticking his hand out. I took his hand and gave it a firm shake as August shifted uncomfortably.

"I hope it's alright that we stay here a little while? We're here on important business," I said smiling back.

"Of course, anything for my dear friend," Pharaoh said, nodding at August.

"I need to talk to you," August said, grabbing Pharaoh's arm and dragging off.

"Feel free to look around!" He called to me.

I chuckled softly. The two were opposites, I'm surprised they could stand each other.

I wandered about the house. It was pretty normal. There was a kitchen, dining room, a small library, and a small sitting room on the first floor. Upstairs were the bedrooms, the armoury, a small office, and a small locked door that led to the roof.

I decided to wait for them in the sitting room, but quickly got bored, so I relocated to the kitchen, where I helped myself to some water and an apple.

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