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It had taken quite a bit of sweet-talking, and little bit of blackmail, but I finally got Mark to let me into the dungeons again, but this time, not as a prisoner. We made our way down at midnight, my face shadowed by a cloak.

"What is the point of this anyway?" Mark hissed.

"What have I said about questions kid?" I snapped.

"I think I deserved to know this time. I could help if I know."

I sighed and relented a little. "Just be on the lookout for a man with red hair, okay?"

He nodded.

"Halt! Who goes there?!" A guard stepped into view, pointing his spear at us.

"It's just me, Mark," Mark said, stepping into the dim light of a torch, his easy-going smile flashing in the firelight.

"Oh. Why are you here?" The guard said, relaxing a little.

"I'm here to visit one of the prisoners. She's here too, "Talk" to a prisoner, if you know what I mean," Mark said, his smile contorting into a cruel grin.

The guard grinned back and nodded, letting us pass.

"Well, that was surprisingly easy," I whispered.

"Let's just get this over with already," he hissed.

I walked up to the first cell and took a glance, looking for the shock of red hair. But instead, I saw salt and pepper hair.

"Nope," I said under my breath and moved on to the next cell. There were twenty-six cells in total, twenty-four of them occupied, but I didn't see any of my Ties.

"They're not here."

"What? Who? You said what you were looking for would be here!" Mark hissed.

"Yes, they told me they were in the dungeons, but they must have been lying!" I growled back.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know!" I said, my frustration rising.

"Let's check one more time," he said.

There were eighteen men and women with brown hair, two men with black hair, and four men and women with blond hair. But no red-headed men. No red hair period. I swore and slammed a fist into a wall. My knuckles crunched against the wall but I didn't care. I let the pain fuel my anger as I pushed past Mark and the guard.

"They're not here, let's go," I snapped, and stormed out of the dungeon. I kept my pace all the way to my rooms.

"Hey! Wait up!" Mark called as I reached my door. "At least you tried."

"Yes, I tried, fat lot of good that did," I snapped, slamming the door in his face.

I walked to the bed and sat down, sighing. Njord must have moved them to mess with me, more incentive to say yes. The putain de asshole! Why were all my supposed friends turning out to me pathological liars?! Worst-case scenarios began to flood my mind again. What if they were all dead and Baran was just playing me, or even worse, they were working for Baran-

"NO!" I yelled, standing up. They'd never stoop that low. But would I?

"Is this a bad time?" Njord was leaning against my dresser, arms crossed with an amused look on his weathered face.

"Yes!" I growled.

"Good, you're more fun when you're upset," he said, straightening.

"Go to hell."

"Of course, but before I do, we've got business to attend to. I need an answer, Shea," he said, still smiling smugly.

"I'll give you an answer when you answer me this-" I spun around and grabbed him by the throat, pinning him against the wall, "Where are they?!"


"DON'T! Mess with me, Jord, you won't like the repercussions!"

"I'm n-not messing with you, Shea."

"Bullshit!" I snarled.

"Where are who?"

"For god's sake you repulsive wench, where is Loki?! WHERE ARE THEY?!" I screamed, shaking him with every word, causing him to bang his head on the wall behind him.

"Well, last time I checked, he was bound to a rock for the murder of Baldur, why do y-" I hit him across his face, and felt the bones in his nose shatter against my fist. Blood spurted from it, and he snarled in surprise.

"You disgusting bastard, you will give me a straight answer for once in your useless life or I will force it out of you. Where are Loki, Thanatos and Greyson?" I hissed.

"Alive, and that's all I can tell you," he gasped out, all the swagger from before, gone.

"Why can't you tell me more?" I demanded, ready to rip his face off if needed.

"Because, little girl, he isn't the one in charge and he can't give away information left and right."

I dropped Njord and faced the newcomers. Two men and one woman stood near the door. The men were tall, muscular and blond. The older one was more of a strawberry blond, and sky blue eyes speckled with yellow. The other man was a normal blond, with romantic hazel eyes, and a flirtatious smile. The woman was small and slim, with braided black hair, and bright wide green eyes.

"And you are?" I said, squinting at them. They seemed so familiar.

The older blond laughed.

"I am Zeus, king of the Grace gods, this is my Daughter Artemis and my nephew Eros. Did those years in prison dull you memory little girl?" he said dramatically.

"The make over didn't help." was all I said. Was I supposed to be impressed? They just got whiter and blonder.

Zeus scowled at me, but I spoke before they could smite me.

"Why are you here? I don't think I recall inviting the gods of douchey-ness into my rooms."

"We couldn't have you murdering Njord, could we? Sure he may be annoying, but he's useful," Eros said, laughing.

"Can it Cupid. If I hear one more useless word out of your mouth, I'm shaving your head and feeding you your hair," I snarled.

He recoiled but I continued, not giving anyone time to interrupt me.

"If you want my gods damned answer, I'll give you my answer, and my answer is yes."

A shocked silence fell.

"Wait, really?!" Njord choked out from where he lay on the floor, trying his best to wipe away the steady stream of blood coming from his dishevelled nose.

"Did I stutter?!"

"Wise choice, you'll be useful," Artemis said, nodding at me.

I glared at her.

"Did I ask your opinion tík? How old are you? Nine? Now, all of you," I started, rubbing my face, "Get the hell out of my room, or I'll flay you all alive."

When I took my hands away, they were gone. Sighing, I sank to the floor, exhausted. I stared at the pattern Njords blood had left on my rug and wished I was dead. Life is too complicated.

What have I gotten myself into this time? And could I get out of it? Or will this be the decision that gets me killed for good? I guess I was going to have to find out. Great.

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