Chapter Eight - Blaine

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"Go away Sebastian" Blaine yelled. This was a perfect way to start the day. He wondered how the rest of it would go and his thoughts almost once again wondered to kurt before he heard a reply screamed back at him.

"I hate you Blaine. It's a wonder I ever dated you in the first place!" he could hear heavy footsteps running down the hall and Blaine took a seat on the corner of his bed. This was all so real now, he had thought of breaking up with Sebastian but never had it ever become reality. He started to become.. hopeful? And almost relieved until his phone buzzed with a long apology from Sebastian about how he would start to work on his trust issues that his father caused and he was so sorry and never meant what he said. Great, your stuck with him and will never be able to be with Kurt - groaning angrily he forcefully pushed down the little voice in his head and set his mind to thinking about the night he had ahead of him.

He started to smile as he remembered all of the meet ups he and Kurt had had about the planning of Rachel's bachelorette part. The slight brushes their knees had encountered. The spark that had followed. The spark that went all over his body and set his mind alight. The spark that made his heart skip a few beats every time he thought of it, or even Kurt. Was he in love? He had never felt like this with Sebastian so maybe he was in love with Kurt.

I, Blaine Devon Anderson, am in love with Kurt Elizabeth Hummel

Suddenly the night could not come any slower.

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