Chapter Five - Kurt

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Kurt groaned and slapped his alarm for the fifth time that morning and buried his head underneath the pillow to avoid the sunlight that was creeping into his room. Trying to get back to sleep he heard Rachel screeching her vocal warmups in the shower. Giving up on the prospect of a lie in that Thursday he dragged himself out of bed to get ready for the day.

"Morning Kurt!" Rachel said when she came out of the shower and saw him eating breakfast.

"Morning banshee" Kurt replied. He was not a morning person.

"I saw there was a cute guy on your twitter last night. Anything interesting happen there?" Kurt groaned but he saw the gleam in Rachel's eyes, this meant she would not relent until she got all of the gossip.

"His name is Blaine. You know full well who he is, he's Finn's best friend." Kurt replied – irritated already.

"Yea I know." Rachel replied smirking slightly, "But you didn't answer my question. Did anything happen?"

"No Rachel! He's taken anyway..." he quickly moved on hoping and praying that Rachel didn't catch the slip up. But Rachel being Rachel did. Arching an eyebrow, she moved quickly forwards until she was right in front of Kurt.

"Anyway...?" staring at him straight in the eye Kurt wished that his best friend didn't know all of his tells. Rachel gasped and Kurt inwardly groaned. "You like him! Oh my god." She squealed.

"Yes, fine." Kurt cursed himself for blushing so easily. "Now let's drop this and never speak of this topic again." With that Kurt exited the room with Rachel giggling crazily behind him.

Yes, he found Blaine cute and there was definitely something shared between them, but it didn't mean he was available or interested in Kurt as well. Anyway, he could be a good friend Kurt concluded and pulled out his phone to text Blaine.

Smiling two minutes later, grabbed his coat and yelled he was going out to Rachel before heading to the Spotlight diner where Blaine worked.

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