Chapter Six - Blaine

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"Fifteen minutes Blaine!" yelled his manager as he took his third break that day, "and this is your last one today. No excuses."

But not even his manager yelling at him could dampen Blaine's mood. He was about to meet Kurt, the boy he could not stop thinking about ever since he met him at scandals a few nights ago. They had been meeting every day since. Being with Kurt just felt right, more right than he and Sebastian ever felt. The little voice inside his head piped up again: maybe Sebastian isn't the one after all. Pushing it aside he focused on not becoming a jelly mess when Kurt walked in.

"Boo!" came a high voice behind him and Blaine smiled.

"Hey Kurt." He replied and Kurt's face lit up in a way that made Blaine's heart skip a beat or two.

Looking back on that lunch that night Blaine felt his face break into a smile for the umpteenth time that day. Rolling over he plugged in his headphones and added all of the songs Kurt told him he sung that day – something he had been doing since they started meeting. Nothing could dampen his mood; until Sebastian texted him.

"Hey stranger"

"What Sebastian." Blaine felt the familiar irritation come to his chest.

"just... I miss you"

"ok?" Blaine had a low tolerance that night – after such a perfect day why did Sebastian have to ruin it

Sure, you should be thinking this about the person you supposedly love? Questioned that voice again. Pushing it aside once again Blaine looked back at his phone as it buzzed.

"Want to meet tomorrow?" except this time it wasn't from Sebastian. It was from Kurt and Blaine felt his heart jump once again until his phone buzzed again.

"I have reservations for a romantic lunch for two tomorrow? I miss you" Blaine sighed and realised he would have to make a choice. Sebastian (his boyfriend that he loved) or Kurt – but Kurt was special, he couldn't place it yet but he felt right.

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