"You should put finding her as your priority, not disturbing private conversations of people", Yoongi spat at him, a little faked chuckle escaping his mouth.

And Jeongguk just stared at him, disbelieving.
Watching him writing peacefully, not showing a minor affection towards his little sister.

It was as if somebody had replaced Yoongi, and Jeongguk never wanted something more than his old best friend back.

"You don't even care a little bit about your sister", Jeongguk mumbled disappointed. Giving up, leaving the room.

But he didn't get the chance to look after you. They had another concert to give, and as much Jeongguk wanted to just run away and pull you into his embrace, he didn't want to disappoint any other loved ones.

[flashback; a few weeks ago]

"I want my family back."
Jeongguk opened his eyes at her sudden statement, looking down to his chest to find Namwaan's head laying on it.
"You don't know how your family was, Namwaan", Jeongguk whispered as he was tucking her hair behind her ear, feeling her shrugging at the sudden action by him.

"You can't say you want it back if you don't actually know what you had."

"Jeongguk the poet, boring", Namwaan giggled, the conversation being stopped for a few minutes.

You two were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie. A scene of a family reunion reminded you of your own dark past, but Jeongguk holding you in his arms stopped you from overthinking again.

It stopped you from getting lost in your own universe, a place were it was dark and cold.

"Namwaan", Jeongguk suddenly said after a long time thinking. He wanted to be honest yet to comfort you, knowing this was a sensitive topic of yours.

It reached your heart, so Jeongguk had to be careful. Either he ripped it apart or he took care of it; it was in his hands.

"I'm your family."

[flashback end]

"I can't take it, I can't take knowing she's not alright but I'm not capable of doing anything. Kill me."

Jeongguk has never stopped talking about you, taking the concert as an exception.

He was in the car; it was already midnight and the whole band was being driven to their hotel.
Jeongguk and Yoongi had been trying to avoid each other, surprisingly successful.
But now they were in the car, sitting face-to-face.

"Can you stop talking about her for one god dammit second", Yoongi hissed annoyed.
But Jeongguk didn't care what Yoongi wanted at this point. He was mad and disappointed in him, the weird small space between them didn't change anything.

"No, I wont. Because the only other person in this car who should care and talk about her is being ignorant and arrogant", Jeongguk told him offensive.

"Jeongguk, I dare you, if you-"
"That's it, Jeongguk and Yoongi are going to be locked in their room until they stop fighting and figure things out", Namjoon said, clearly annoyed of Jeongguk's and Yoongi's behavior.

The other ones agreed, yet Jeongguk and Yoongi themselves weren't really satisfied with this solution.
But five against two? Impossible.

"Fine. But I want to find Namwaan before."

"No, Jeongguk. Please fulfill us this favor. You can talk to her later, even the whole night again if you want. But seeing you two constantly fighting is really tiring and upsetting. You two are best friends, did you forget about this?", Jimin said with a stable voice.

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