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✉️~𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒐: 𝘮𝘺 brain
💌~𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 (1) 𝒐𝒏𝒆:
What if the pain I'm feeling is forever?, what if my Brain keeps talking, but my heart doesn't listen? What if the heart isn't beating anymore. More or less an empty shell. But it still has the flame to find out the truth. I deserve love, I deserve to make you proud. I deserve to give you the justice you deserve. Lend me your hands and soul. I may spiral into a turmoil. But is it worth it? Yes. For you it definitely is.

Aislara pov

Now the investigation starts. Biting my nails at the anxious feeling that this may go left. Every since they told me my parents case was open again, I couldn't fathom the pain surging through my bones, my heart and brain fighting against each other, telling their opinions at one another. "I want it to stop" "no I wanna find out" "the truth hurts more than a lie sometimes" "but the truth could also set you free"

"Lara!" My friend shouts, my ear begins to ring like a bell, furrowing my eyebrows up at her I sigh heavily
"Your point is?" I ask trying my best not to yell at her, when that's all I've ever wanted to do.
"You zoned out I asked you a question" Clara tries to sting with her words
"What Clara?" I ask feeling a massive headache over clouding my brain, thanks a lot how am I supposed to focus in my English class now?
"I was asking would you like to go this festival with me and obviously my crush"
"Oh so third wheel?" I ask feeling completely over it, I don't blame her completely for my behavior I blame myself and her. Her for not letting me sleep last night with her constantly calling me for help, me for staying up overthinking about this case.

"Lara, you know I wouldn't make you feel like a third wheel cmon" she nudges my arm

flashback pov

"jungkook why are you so afraid of asking the girl out"

"im not afraid, i just dont think she's the one for me" his fingers in my chesnut curls, "i have my eyes on someone else, but they're going through so much so i have to hold off"

"you're not telling this girl you like her because they're not in the right headspace?" i ask looking up at him from his lap, his eyes never meeting mine, I can just tell his eyes were painted with despair.

"that's correct, want a cookie?" jungkook sarcastically pokes my nose, i flick his knuckles only inflicting pain upon me I groan as jungkook sticks his tongue at me. Sitting up from his lap I look over the hill at the city lights. "Hey jungkook..." I drag my sentence, playing with the rings on my fingers.

"Oh shit aislara has some deep shit, but I'm here" jungkook tries to crack a joke, but I punch his shoulder for him to get serious. Jungkook stops laughing while picking his piercings

"Hey, get serious" I declare
"I'm serious Lara" his voice sounding serene
"So.. my parents and I are moving soon, I may be changing schools" I start off
"Where you moving?" His voice sounded so empty but surprised, placing my hand on top of his, i breath in slowly hoping he'll look at me. Not seeing his emotions breaks me even more. "Back home, back to London"

Jungkook looks over at me smiling, he should know better that I can't be fooled by that, maybe someone else but he's my bestfriend. That facade couldn't phase me, but nevertheless I know he's a strong man, and with that big adjective, showing his emotions were hard on him. So instead of calling his bluff I lower my head "but that doesn't mean we stop being friends right?"

I hear a low scoff, his hand softly collides with my head smacking down upon it, frowning in slight pain I grab my skull knitting my eyebrows together "ow you fucking twat that hurt!" I exclaim

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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