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Jungkook's pov

solving mysteries is my thing, but one mystery i cant solve is why my dad had to separate us, you were my childhood friend, but as well as my first love. nobody could compare to you, yes i had girlfriends after you but my mind was still stuck on you.

actually it has never left you.

"mr.jeon, you're on duty for a murder that just happened a couple of hours ago at a strip club" my boss tells me, seems like someone was either caught cheating or the dancer wanted some money, or in worse case scenario, they was trying to control her or him, and had what was coming to them, i grab my jacket sliding my arms into them as i grab all the tools i need.

"lead the way" is all i reply, even if i say i really don't want to do it, i have no choice but to do it. because supposedly im the best detective on this force, oh how i'm grateful for the praise  all, but people expect the most out of you,and just one slip up they're quick to say "i would never expect this coming from you" it's easy to disappoint someone once you're on a peddle-stool. i crack my neck from side to side then grab a gatorade for the road as well, this may be a long day.

Aislara pov

Writing is honestly something I'm very passionate about but I'm also passionate about psychology, I'm her interested in how the human brain works. What people think and what causes them to think they way they think, and act the way they act. Humans are just interesting in general. I'm also kind of into solving mysteries but I'm scared of horror thriller related things. I'd rather just look at them from a far distance thanks. I also like admitting art it makes me happy. Jungkook you made me happy but now I have no clue where you are. Hope you're out there smiling.

"Hey Lara!" My friend says trying to scare me, I look at her with furrowed eyebrows, then a smile appears in my face.

"Hey,Clara how are sweetie" I ask closing my book
"I'm fine but my girlfriend is giving me doubtful feelings, I feel like she's out here cheating or something" she sighs putting her chin in the palm of her hand. "I trust her but she's giving me every reason not too you know? I caught her in multiple lies, I just don't feel the love from her anymore"

"Hey, why don't you confront her? You know let her explain herself?" I say softly, I remember my first experience dating a girl. She made me feel so much butterflies that I couldn't contain. She was like the rainbow that appeared after my rainstorm. But she claimed that she fell out of love with me. So I can understand her on feeling like her girlfriend isn't in love with her anymore. That is the feeling I know way to well. I see her about to cry and instantly I wrap my arms around her head as I feel her tears fall on my lap. I stroke her hair ever so softly, feeling my heart slowly break for her.

"It's going to be okay I'm here with you every step of the way" I whisper to her.
"Thank you Lara" she comments through the lump in her throat. I nod my head caressing her ever so softly. I really hope your girlfriend isn't doing what I think she's doing. I guess I would have to tell her sooner or later. Just not now. It'll break her.

Kicking off my shoes, I hear my dogs running towards me I smile bending down at letting them lick all over me and jump on me. In total I think I have about three dogs. I want more trust me, but I don't think my small apartment can handle them. And sometimes I catch hell trying to take care of them. My dogs names are : cinnamon, Caerus and Maui. They're my babies.

"Y'all ready to eat huh?" I say walking towards the kitchen they all come towards the kitchen running and I pour their bowls with food then fill the top bowls with water. I open the fridge to get myself some water as well. Jesus today was a stressful day, I had to plug into my deep thoughts and write something that was tragic and flip it into a happy ending.

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