Chapter 2

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Just so everyone knows and you don't get confused or anything, there is a flashback in this chapter, its in italics so you'll know its a flashback. Okay anyway, enjoy!

~Ali's POV~

I've texted and called Carter so many times in the past week but he wont answer, Alex has tried to talk to him too. I'd be worried something was wrong with him but yesterday Zach called to let us know he was fine an he said to stop calling and texting. I can see why he's upset but Alex and I weren't and will never be together it's just that I needed someone while Carter was gone and Alex was going through a break up and things just kind of..happened.


It's been the worst year and a half of my life. I never realized how much I needed Carter until he wasn't here. I spend most of my days laying in bed crying my eyes out because I miss him so much. The boys have told me I need to get out more but I don't want to.
I burried my face in the pillow and groaned, I don't know if I can wait another year and a half to have Carter back. I need him now. I picked my head up when I heard a knock at the door. "Who is it and what do you want?"

"It's Alex, I want to talk to you, and I'm not leaving until you let me in."

I groaned "Fine. Come in.." he closed the door behind him and then walked over and sat on the bed next to me.

"You need to get out of bed and do something, anything."

"I can't. You don't understand how-" I held back a sob "how hard this is"

"Really? I don't? He is my best friend. I've known him since we were kids and he literally knows every detail of my life. And on top of that I just found out my girlfriend was cheating on me so I think I have a pretty good idea of how hard this is."

We talked for about an hour before he finally said he was tired and went to bed.

After that night Alex and I started talkng a lot more and hanging out even more and then one night I found him alone in his room crying. It was just weird to see him like that, laying in bed, tears running down his face. Honestly it kind of reminded me of how I had been only a few weeks ago. I pushed the door open a little further "You okay?" I asked.

"Huh?" He sat up a bit to see who asked and then responded with "Ye-yeah. I'm fine." I walked over to him, shutting the door behind me.

"You don't seem fine. Whats wrong?" He sat up even more so that now our faces were only inches apart.

"What isn't wrong?" he asked, and I guess he had a point, everything lately seems to be wrong.

"Good point..but everything will turn out okay in the end..and like you said to me, you just need to get out of bed. You need to do some-" I was cut off when his lips crashed into mine. I know I should have pushed him off me or done something but I needed this. As crazy as that may sound because I know, he's my boyfriends best friend. But we both needed someone.


This week has been hell for me, I've done nothing but lay in bed crying. It reminded me so much of what I was like after Carter got arrested, but the difference now was that this time it was my fault. Alex, however, didn't seem to care that Carter was mad. After Zach told us Carter was fine, Alex went right back to trying to kiss me and acting all flirty. I don't get how he could possibly be okay with this, with his best friend not talking to him. Right now he's out getting food for us but as soon as he gets back I'm going to ask him about it.

I turned on the tv that was across from me in this small hotel room, Alex and I decided to stay in a hotel after Carter kicked us out because really the only other two options were Alex's parents house or my parents house and neither of those places sounded like a good choice.

I changed the channel, trying to find something good to watch even though the hotel mostly only had news channels. Right as I was about to give up and just turn the tv off, I heard the door unlock.

"I'm back!" Alex said, walking in with a box of pizza.

"We should talk." I sat up, turning so that I was facing him.

"About what?"

"Carter, obviously."

"I'm tired of talking about Carter." He sighed, "He does this kind of thing all the time, he gets pissed off and does something big without thinking it through-like kicking us out-and then he realizes what he's done and he fixes it. We just have to give him space."

"No, this time it's different. This time it isn't his fault, we did this."

"Why are you so worried about this, like I said, it'll be fine."

"It wont though." With that, I got up and grabbed my shoes and sweatshirt, walking towards the door. 

"Where are you going?"

"To Carters."

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