Chapter 8

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-Three Months Later-

~Ali's POV~

It took me what felt like hours to fall asleep, I was so excited for tomorrow. Tomorrow is July 14th which is mine and Carters 3 year anniversary. He was in jail for the first two so this is almost like our first. I have so much planned for it.

The sound of rain beating against the roof is the last thing I heard before falling asleep.


As usual, I woke up before Carter. I still don't understand how he can sleep practically all day. I crawled out of bed, trying not to wake him up. Slipping on a baggy t-shirt and a pair of spandex, I went downstairs.

I wanted this day to be absolutely perfect because Carter has been in such a good mood these last couple months and I just want to keep it that way. He finally got a Twitter so he's been tweeting and he's posted a couple videos and I've even heard him singing a bit around the house lately.

Rob, Alex, and Zach all agreed to stay somewhere else for the weekend so we have the next two days completely to ourselves.


By the time Carter came downstairs breakfast was ready and I had everything set up.

He walked into the dinning room, immediately looking really confused at the large box sitting by his chair.

"What's this?" He asked, smiling a bit.

"Your present." I kissed him.

"Okay..but first," he got down on one knee "yours" pulling out a small box, and opening it to reveal a shiny diamond ring. "Ali, I love you so much and honestly I have no idea what's going to happen in the future, but I do know that I want you to be here with me every step of the way. Will you marry me?" Tears started running down my face, and I couldn't even think straight. Obviously I wanted to marry him, this was just so sudden and unexpected so I was really surprised.

"Y-yes, of course, yes." he put the ring on my finger and then picked me up, passionately kissing me. I broke the kiss to tell him how much I love him and he told me he loves me too and then we went right back to kissing. His hands traveled up my shirt as I dragged my fingers through his already messy hair.

Both of us completely forgetting about the breakfast and his present, he carried me up the stairs, both of us ripping off each others clothing on the way.

This is already the best anniversary ever..


I was so nervous as Carter finally opened the present I got him. He was either going to really like it, or completely hate me for it.

He opened the box to reveal the guitar. I put it in a big box so he wouldn't know what it was right away. Michele helped me pick it out, apparently it was the same as his favorite guitar when he was younger but he sold that one after he decided to stop singing.

Carter didn't really say anything at first, so I thought he might be mad.

"Oh god, you hate it don't you? And now you probably hate me too..I'm sorry..I would have gotten you something better but I don't exactly have a ton of money right now and your mom said you used to have one like this and-"

"Ali, stop" he chuckled. "I love it and I love you, thank you." he kissed my forehead and pulled me into a hug.

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