He glances around the large hall one more time and sents his sights on the one he's been looking for. He quickly hobbles over the master, a smile on his face. "Master Qui-Gon." He pipes up.

Qui-Gon looks down, surprised to see Yoda. "Master Yoda. What can I do for you?" He asks. "I thought you were watching the younglings on their big day."

"I was. Short a master, we are. Needed you are." Yoda says, nodding his head.

"Master Yoda, I haven't taken on a padawan since I lost my last one. I'm not sure I'm up for the challenge yet." Qui-Gon says, his heart beginning to race. Almost two years ago, Qui-Gon lost his padawan in a deadly battle. He had to watch him die before his eyes, knowing he couldn't do anything to help him. He hasn't taken on a padawan since.

"Time to face your fears, it is. Move on, you must." Yoda says.

"I'm sure there are other masters more qualified than me," Qui-Gon says, shaking his head. He doesn't want to pick another padawan. What if they end up with the same fate as his last? He doesn't think he can bear to lose another padawan. He can't take that risk.

"No time to argue. Follow me." Yoda says, ending the discussion. Worried, Qui-Gon follows Yoda to the room. As they travel there, Qui-Gon can only think of how everything went with his last padawan. Why is Yoda taking this risk with him? Qui-Gon had failed. Why is he getting another chance, especially when the last one went so wrong?

Upon entering the room, all of the eyes fall onto Yoda and Qui-Gon. "Master Qui-Gon will also be taking on a padawan today." Yoda declares as they walk to stand beside the other master. "Begin with Master Plo Koon, we will."

Slowly, the younglings are chosen by a master. The number of younglings sitting on the floor begins to get smaller and smaller. Qui-Gon's palms begin to grow sweatier as he stares at the remaining children. One of these unfortunate younglings will end up as his padawan.

Soon, there is one child left. He is quiet, his hands folded neatly in his lap. "Master Qui-Gon, time for you to chose, it is," Yoda says, making Qui-Gon freeze. Though there are no other younglings to pick, they try to make it seem like Qui-Gon has options in hopes to not have the child feel bad.

Qui-Gon looks over at Yoda. He doesn't know the youngling's name. He doesn't know any of the younglings' names. Yoda only smiles at him, clearly not going to help. Snickers begin to break out to replace the awkward silence. The youngling's cheeks begin to burn a bright red as Qui-Gon remains quiet.

He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. What was the child's name? He isn't trying to embarrass him. This is only happening because he didn't bother to remember any of the youngling's names to maybe save one of their lives. If he didn't know their names, how could they end up with him?

He opens his eyes, seeing the youngling trying to keep his composure as the other masters scold their younglings. The silence is unbearable. Tension is building as Qui-Gon searches his memory for the poor child's name.

"Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon says, his voice hoarse. The child perks up, sitting taller as Qui-Gon clears his throat. "I would like to take on Obi-Wan as my padawan." He says.

"Rise, Obi-Wan," Yoda says. Almost immediately, the child jumps to his feet. A smile grows on his face as he looks at his Qui-Gon. "Meet your master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Respect and trust your master. Guide you in your journey to becoming a Jedi Knight, he will."

Obi-Wan nearly runs to his master. Qui-Gon can hardly look at the child. He is so worried about what could happen to this boy under his care. He can't bear to look into his eyes and know that he could lose him.

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